chapter 61

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Diana's (POV)

I got changed in to my normal jeans and a tank top with my hairs into a perfect pony tail I did makeup to make my eyes look normal and less smuged

I started packing my bags yes it's true that I'm going to leave

I will leave today night when everyone is asleep

What if Harry comes to sleep over?
My mind asked
I will not let him sleep here with me today!

Yes I have to do this I love him so so so much but it's just that he doesn't deserve this I can't tell him I don't have the courage to do it not at this time when he have so much of work

I was packing my stuff into my bags when I heard a knock on the door

I panicked and searched a place to hide the bags

"Diana open the door".

Insha continuously said
After some knocks Harry's voice beamed

"what happened Insha?" I heard him ask.

I have to hide this stuff!

I pushed them under the bed and went to door

I opened and saw Insha and Harry standing with worried faces

Harry hugged me tightly saying "are you okay ?" I smiled and nodded admiring his perfect beautiful face which I will not see after today

Insha had a confused look and I know why I have to tell her atleast I'm sure she will help me out

"I'm hungry" I whined and Harry chuckled

"Dinner must be ready come on" he said and I smiled

"Harry you go I want to talk some girly stuff with Diana" Insha giving me a deadly glare

"Okay but bring my princess back to me soon" he said and gave a peck on my cheeks while I chuckled I'm so going to miss him but its for the best right? I'm doing this for them for him they will stay happy if I do this!

Insha and I walked to my room and she locked the door behind me

"Diana what are you upto?" She angrily asked

"Insha I wanna tell you something please don't freak out" she nodded and we sat on the bed

I was silent for some minutes searching for words to explain it to her she is surely going to freak out
But I have to do this!

"Insha I'm pregnant but I can't let Harry know this,this will ruin his career he has all the rights to enjoy his life he is a famous popstar and he loved me enough more than enough you all made me feel special and to be honest you all don't deserve this, so I have decided to run out from here I will go from here far away where no one could ever find me you all will stay happy Harry will surely find someone who will give him all the happiness I couldn't pleasee Insha please help me don't tell this to anyone you know how much I love him and all of you,you all are more than a family to me" Insha was crying on my shoulder till I finished telling her

I'm sure she will understand

"Diana how could you take such a big decision without even asking me? How dare you think like that? How could you think that we will be happy without you?how will Harry live without you? He loves you and only you Diana! Tell him , talk to him see how he reacts please don't leave us please Diana I can't stay without you you are the reason I found Lou who loves me more than anyone you are the reason we all are happy please don't go Diana" she cried even more so did I

"Insha there is no other option promise me you will not tell this to anyone, promise me Insha"

"No, no I don't I can't"

"If you Love me"

Her face hold a sad and confused expression
I begged her and atlast she agreed

"Okay I promise but still think about it" she said and wipped the tears on her cheeks

"Done thinking I'm going today at night" her eyes widen and her jaw dropped..

"Today night?"

"Yes today night"


"No Insha please it was hard for me to take this decision ,this baby doesn't deserve this he or she deserves a happy life which I will try to give them" I said

After a few more talks we walked out of the room wiping out eyes which were red due to excessive crying and sobbing

We managed to fake a smile when we entered the living room no one was there,everyone were sitting on the dining table in the kitchen

I took a seat next to Harry and Insha sat beside me

Harry gave me a smile and I returned the gesture

The boys talked about their work and the upcoming concerts

"Guys let's go out tomorrow we have a day off" niall said looking at the phone

My heart dropped when I realize how tomorrow is going to be

"Sure" Harry replied looking towards me I smiled and nodded

Everyone agreed with the plan

They all were discussing were to go and I was cursing myself knowing what the consequences are

"You all talk about it me and Diana are going to sleep let me know where we are going" Harry said holding my hand

My heart dropped at the moment his touch sent chills down my spine I wanted to kiss him but no I have to control myself and I will

We walked to my bedroom when I realized my bags are still out

"H..harry can we just go the balcony?"

"Sure" he smiled and nodded

Author's note

Here's an update and where do you think is Diana going to go?

Drop your comments in the comment box love you all!..

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