chapter 73 - stay?

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"yes I would never lie to you haz"I said

"Same here Diana"

"I love you"

"And I you"

With those last words my lips met his. moving in a sync, fitting perfectly in a mould, I was so lucky to have him, but somewhere down I felt bad for lying.

Sorry Harold.

Flashback over

"So Harry how much do you know Diana?" Jai asked.

I felt like collapsing. I felt like running. I should have ran away. This is not what had to happen.

Die Diana, you don't deserve him!

My inner voice was urging me.

You are in a deep shit diana

with that I collapsed to the ground.

Everything went black, the last thing I heard was Harry's voice.

"Diana, Diana wake up. I love you babe please wake up."

Which I think, I will never hear after this.

Harry's (POV)

"So Harry how much do you know about Diana?" Jai asked we stood their staring at each other. Diana's grip on my arm tightened and her breathing hitched and after a few seconds, when I opened my mouth to answer his question she collapsed to the ground.

I yelled her name asked her to wake up.

Jai's face dropped and he tensed up. Its all your fault bastard you will pay for this.

But right now all that matter is to take Diana to the hospital

* * *

"I told you Mr.styles, she needs rest, she is pregnant and the day she goes home this happens, I agree she is strong but this is not at all what was expected, you should be careful from the next time she is fine for now, you can take her home"
After hearing a long lecture from the docter, I went out everyone were standing asking me what happened.
How should I tell them? What should I tell them?


Yea jai is the one who can solve this now.

"Jai." I yelled, he was standing at the end of the corridor having a conversation with Insha both were questioning each other and insha's face was puffed up and red due to anger.

I motioned Louis to look at her, he immediately ran towards her and began to talk.

I called everyone in the waiting room.

"Jai, just tell it already, this is a shit you created. You can even go to jail for this, so better spit it out." I said calmly. Controlling my self from beating his ass up.

He nodded and got up from the chair. Insha was looking at my face her eyes watery.

I only had one question.


"It all started the day..-"

Insha's (POV)

He did this.
My own brother did this.
I never imagined he could do something like this.
This is wrong, Diana doesn't deserve this. Neither does Harry.

Jai was currently telling Harry about everything and I couldn't help but hear, just hear and not say anything, because it was true it shouldn't have mattered to Harry but now it does, this is a big shit.

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