chapter 41

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Harry's (POV)

We quickly got there..
Untill we knew how close we were to each other just inches apart from each other..

She looked so beautiful..
The slight of light falling on her Face
And she looking out childishly so that they won't catch us..

"They are gonna kill me!" She said

I was still lost in admiring each an single kinch of her face of her moves..

"HARRY!" She said and caught me by my shoulders..

"Ohh yeah I'm sorry I was uhmm nothing what happened?"

"Should we go out now!?"

I really don't wanna go this feels good I wanna hold her in my arms close to me..

"Diana I.."

"Yes Harry say?" She asked..

"I..ou..our date!"

She flushed at the mention of our date all the memories flashed to our minds...

"Oh yeah what about that?" She asked smiling..

"Uhmm it wasn't completed!"

"Yeah yeah so ?" She said her cheeks flushed at the words...

"Uhmm can we both go another date and this time no one will disturb us...I assure you pleasee?"

"Uhmm okay..sure.." She said..

"Thank you soo much Diana..its just that every moment I spent with you is just so magical like its just uhhggg I can't find words to express it!"

"Calm down Harry its fine.."

"Gottcha!" Insha yelled when she found both of us hiding in the small space..

"Okay okay we are sorry now just get out from our way!"

"Not so easily styles!" She said and their came Lou with a water balloon in his hands..

And in no time he splashed that on my face

"Fuck!" I cursed under my breath

"Tit for tat styles!" Lou yelled..

"Not yet over!" Zayn said grabbing an water bottel and tossing it on to Lou who opened the cap..

As soon as the water was going to splash by my face Diana came in front and the water hitted her face..

"Why did you do that?"

"It's fun I like getting wet!" She chuckled at those stupid words she said..

"Okay okay now stop all of you!"

"Oh some one is becoming all 'night in the shining armour!'" Ishita said..

"It's not funny she might catch a flu its fucking cold in here!"

"Okay okay calm down everyone and Harry its fine I'm okay!" Diana said stepping forward

"Okay I'm sorry I just became annoying" I apologized

"Guyz what are your plans for today?" Zayn asked walking towards the kitchen with riddhi..

"Nothing why?" Diana asked..

"Wait wait me and ishita are going out for some time..we have a plan!" Niall said while dragging ishita towards the doors..

"Ahh these love birds!" Insha said..

"Okay anyone else?" Zayn asked..

Louis (pov)

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