chapter 30

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Niall's (POV)-

"Im bored" Ishita whined.

"Wanna do something fun?" I asked with a wink.
She blushed.

"Oh Gawwd...get a room both of you" Louis remarked.

I laughed

"Lets go to a club" Harry suggested.

"Ok..we'll get ready"Ishita said and moved to our room.

I followed her inside after a few minutes.
She had worn a sexy dress and was putting on her makeup.
I hugged her from behind and nuzzled my head into her neck.

"Niall...stop" she whined.

"You wanna stay back?" I whispered seductively.

"Niall..." she elbowed me n i groaned.

"What?" I groaned.

"Get ready im waiting" she said.

I quickly changed and we both headed out.

"Ready?" Liam asked and i nodded

We all got in the car and headed to the club.

We went to the VIP section and sat..

"Truth or dare?" Diana asked as the waiter got our drinks.

"How old are we? 12?" Liam asked.

"Shut up liam...Ishita you go first" Louis said.

" or dare?" Ishita asked me.

"Dare" i replied.

"Ok...i dare you to buy me another drink" she said and i groaned.

"Ishita.....please no more" i said.

"Its. A. Dare" she squealed.

"Fine" i said and bought her a drink.

After too many drinks and rounds of truth or dare...everyone was wasted except me n Ishu

"I need some air" i said.

"Ok byee" ishita said.

"Come with me" i said.

"You go out...I'll join you in a few" she said.

I bent down to give her a auick kiss then headed out.

I walked out but bumped into someone.

" so sorry ..i ...KATE?" i exclaimed when i saw her.

"Niall?" She squealed.

"Hello Kate" i said faking a smile.

"Niall i missed you soo much...i tried to contact you" she said.


"You-you tried to contact me?" I asked.

"Yes...but nobody would give you the phone...i missed you so effing much...i love you" she said.

"I..i don't..i have a girlfriend and i love her a lot" i said.

" love me..i love you...we'll marry and live happily ever after.." she said taking a step towards me...she reached me and put her arms around my neck.

Thats when Ishita came  out..

"Niall.i...oh my god!" She exclaimed.

I immediately took a step back.

"No..ishita..this is not what you think" i said.

"Then what is it?" She asked angrily.

"I dont love her...i love you...please believe me." I pleaded.

" i dont know  what to say" she said.

"Ishita...i love you!" I exclaimed.

"He doesn't...we were even going to marry" kate said.

"Shut up kate" i snapped and folloed Ishita who had walked away.
I caught her hand and turned her around.
She collided with my chest and i held her.

"Niall let go" she said.

"No..listen to are the only one for me...i love mean the whole damn world to me ..i could and would die for you...i would be nobody if you were not ther in my life...what do i do to make you understand?" I said.

"I dont know!" She said and pushed me away.

"Wait please" i said and she turned around.

I dropped onto my knees.

"I know we only met two months back...but will you do me a huge favour by becoming Mrs Horan?" I asked.

She looked shocked.

"What?" She said.

"Yes ishita ..marry me?" I asked.

"Oh my god yes!" She squealed.

I got up and she ran towards me...i lifted her up.
I put her down and kissed her.

"Im still studying" she said.

"We are not marrying immediately...i just wanna put the ring on it is...its your last year of studies" i said.

"Yes...i love you niall" she said and we kissed again

"So..lets go in..future Mrs Horan" i said and she blushed.

I just had too bye.. still not ur original writer.

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