chapter 36!

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Diana's (POV)

We were all done...
Checking and tweeting and blah blah stuff..

"So vas hapenin?" Zayns said his legendary dialog.

We all laughed at him...

"Guyz it late its already 12:30.." I snapped..

"Hmm.." Everyone said in unison.

"What hmm?.you all don't wanna sleep?" I asked...

"Yeah yeah calm down Love..our loved friend is back. We are happy let us enjoy!.." Harry said..

I chuckled at what he called me.(love).

"So ishita is nialls girlfriend and Insha is louis girlfriend and you Diana?" Zayn asked

We all fit into a laughter.

"I ain't Louis girlfriend zayn" Insha blushed..

"Yeah " Lou said,blushing.

Seriously?we all know they are dating

"Don't lie Lou we know about you!" I said.

"Yes yes we do!" Niall said...

Everyones eyes stiched on Louis.

"Okay okay you guyz are seriously jerk.I wanted this to be romantic Now I have to do this now!" He said.

Insha gave everyone a confused look,while we all whispered into each others..ears.

Insha's (POV)

"Woah? What the hell is going on?..
Why are everyone giggling and whispering in ears?.

And what did Lou said just now?" I fired all questions at once...

"Calm dow calm down babe..." Harry said.

Louis (POV)

These peoples are sick.

This is so unromantic!...
I wanted this to be special!..
But I think now I have to do this!..


"Harry I really like her...and I want her to be mine! Forever! I feel bad for what happened in the past but I seriously like her alot...even though I have met her just some days back!..I realized she is someone who understands me!..who really cares alot!..
And the one who is really worth it!.." I said to Harry...while we were heading to the car from the studio..

"Yeah mate I understand and I think she too likes you a bit!... The way she see's you is just so beautiful! I have observed I think you should tell her without wasting time..." Harry said and I nodded...

We pulled out of a jewellery shop?..

"Why are we here " I asked to Harry...

"Mate this has to be something special something very romantic.some thing that is mezmorising.." He said..

"Ohh yeah you but Harry don't you think it's too early to like ring stuff is ..uh..!..." I said...but was cutted off by Harry

"Stupid you are not going to propose her right now I brought you here just to buy one because we will have an tight schedule se might not get time so that's the reason" He said and laughed

I kicked myself in mind how stupid i'm.

I carefully choosed a ring...
It was an small heart shaped diamond ring.
With a tint of pink in it!..

"I just hope she accepts this!" I muttered

"She will! Lou don't worry!" Harry said giving me a reasurring smile!..

He was even busy in the shop..

"What did you payed for Harry?" I asked while remembering what happened in the shop..

"Uhmm nothing" Harry said while the look on his face changed!..

"Come on now don't hide it from me." I said patting his shoulder

"Okay okay it's that uhmm Diana!..i'm not going to propose her so early but we are going on a date today! So I'm just keeping this with me, for the correct time.." He said while showing off his dimple smile...

"Oooooohhh i see" I teased...
We had a talk about how we should do all the stuff

-------------flashback over----------

"Ohh uhmm Insha?" I called out for her...

"Yes Lou say it!" Harry teased from behind!..

"I'm gonna kill the one who speaks now!" I yelling in annoyed tone...

"Calm down Lou look here tell me what happened?" Insha asked while turning me head to her...

I sat down on my knee facing her...
While she raised her eyebrow
Knowing what is going to happen next.

"Insha I wanna tell you how beautiful you are the way you smile the way you laugh!.. Your eyes, YOU Is everything I love ...the way you talk to me!.. You are just so gorgeous... Everything single moment I spend with you is magical and I wanna tell you that you! Will you be mine?" I asked...and I could see Insha's eyes flutter...
A tear escaped.
I quickly got up and and cupped her face in my hands.

"Hey don't cry okay " I shhhhed her..

While wiping off the fear that slipped off her cheek...

She bursted out crying on my chest she held my T-shirt in her hands and I hugged her tightly..

"I love you too Lou! You are the only person I trusted in no were here for me! Always when I needed! Thank you so much lou thank you!" She said still crying...

"Hey you don't need to thank me! I'm yours forever!I thank you for coming in my life!.." I said while looking in her beautiful brown eyes!...

"Thank you lou" she said and hugged me tight I hugged back!..

I could hear awwws in the background when we turned to see everyone staring at us...

"I love you!" I whispered in her ears

"I love you tooo.." She said...

"I'm so freaking happy todays day is just so magical!..zayn came back Insha got Louis!... Yepppiieee" Diana shouted in happiness...

I couldn't believe I just told her everything and she agreed to be my girlfriend I love her so much!...

Insha's (POV)

Ohh my god!..
Oh my freaking god. ....

Did I just heard that!?..

"Insha I wanna tell you how beautiful you are the way you smile the way you laugh!.. Your eyes YOU! Is everything I love ...the way you talk to me!.. You are just so gorgeous... Everything single moment I spend with you is magical and I wanna tell you that you! Will you be mine?"he asked...

Those words will always be in my mind I'm just so freaking happy!..

Author's note
Hiee readers.
I'm sorry for not updating I really wanted to make it special...
But I'm all sorry...I couldn't..
I hope you like it!...
Drop yur comments in the comment box please vote!♥

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