chapter 58

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Diana was sitting on her knees bent down with eyes closed and I could here her sobbing

I rushed towards her ..
Her eyes were full of pain and were red

"Diana what happened?"

"H-harry i-i" she tried to say but got up and ran towards the washsin to vomit

I went and held her hairs up to help her when she finished she closed her eyes tightly and tears streamed Dow. Her cheeks

"Diana baby are you okay."

"H-harry i-i'm not" she cried I calmed her down

I made her wash her face so a could feel better and helped her to change her clothes..

I quickly went and called Insha while she changed

"Insha Lou? Open the door!" I yelled and knocked at the door.

"Harry what is it?" Lou said in his morning raspy angry voice

"I need Insha to help Diana!"

"Why? What happened is she okay?" Louis said and turned back Insha was sleeping in her bed peacefully

"Louis she is not well,i need to get the doctor now please take care of her!"I said and left I quickly got into the living room filled a glass of water for her..

I decided to tell zayn to call the doctor I knocked on the door bit he didn't answer I know him well he is a sleepy head who never likes to get out of bed I twisted the door knob and quickly closed it as I regretted opening it for a second

Riddhi and zayn kissing each other

"guyz learn to lock it from the next time!" I yelled and they both chuckled from inside of the room

"Zayn call the doctor Diana is not well please make it fast!" I said and walked out to Diana's room

I opened the door and Diana was sleeping peacefully in her bed
With messed up hairs red face and yet so beautiful

I placed the glass of water on the table and sat next to her

Insha and louis entered the room with concerned faces

"Is she okay?"

"What happened to her?"

"Harry did you call the doctor!?"

Insha fired me with questions

"Calm down Insha yes she is not well and I have told zayn to call the docter!" I said and she calmed down and sat next to Diana on the bed

Zayn and riddhi entered the room with messy hairs swollen lips

"Zayn did you call ?" I asked

"Yes I did he is on the way!" He answered

"Guyz why do you look like this? And riddhi when did you come here?" Louis asked zayn and riddhi

Riddhi's cheeks heated up and zayn's face was converted in a smirk

Zayn's (POV)

"Guyz why do you look like this? And riddhi when did you come here?" Louis asked

And I could not answer but just imagine what happened last night!


"Bye zayn will see you tomorrow" riddhi said while she climbed out of the car

I didn't want her to leave I wanted to tell her what I feel
Because from the past days I had been not able to control my self my mind thinks of her the whole time the way she talks,walks,smiles,laughs,does childish things,makes stupid jokes,is something I love

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