Chapter 1

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I left Portland in the morning on a private company jet heading for Los Angeles.  "It shouldn't be a long flight, but there may be weather issues near San Francisco. That is where typical weather problems happened."

My name is Emily and I am the Director of Purchasing at HRS.  The company I work for is a helicopter operator, repair and overhaul station for other helicopter companies.  I've been doing this for a few years now and love the company.  I live in Portland, Oregon.  I'm single and happy to be that way.  After being with Tom for a couple years I realized he wasn't the one for me and broke it off.  He wasn't exactly thrilled with the news or me but life is too short to be stuck somewhere you don't belong.  The last thing I need is a boyfriend or relationship.  Unfortunately, it has also been over 10 months without sex. 

It was just the me and the pilot, Jerry Mathis. Jerry was a great guy and makes the flight go by quickly and always makes you at ease when you fly with him.  Jerry is this large, gregarious man in his late 50's with a great family.  He is loud, funny and a great pilot.  He's been with the company a few years now as well and we travel well together.

The company jet wasn't huge but comfortable.  It always made me feel special being able to fly across the country is this jet.  I loved this part of my job as Director of Purchasing.  I get to visit suppliers all over the country.  We have a lot of contracts with customers who need us for heavy lift, fire-fighting and logging.  We do well and we do it well with the company being lean. 

I wasn't surprised when Jerry announced we were going to be held up in San Francisco due to fog.  Fog; it's always fog in San Francisco. 

"Sorry, Emily but we are going to be stuck in San Francisco for at least a few hours" Jerry said.

"It's okay Jerry.  I was actually expecting this to happen.  You know I've become a seasoned flier anymore thanks to you." I smiled at him.

"Well, I am going to see some of my friends here in San Francisco.  You are more than welcomed to join us if you'd like to get out of this airport" he offered. 

I appreciated his kindness but I just didn't want to go anywhere.  I figured I'd stay in the lounge, read, and catch up on email and whatever other company business I had.  I could always listen to my music and relax.  The lounges were actually very nice and we always had a great caterer for food.

"Thanks for the offer, Jerry but I am just going to catch up on things here and call the office.  See if anything else is going on.  You go on and have fun.  Don't worry about me." I told him.

He smiled and waved and left the terminal.   Okay, so I looked at the board and saw the other flights being stuck here in San Francisco were being delayed by 4 and 5 hours.  Holy cow!  This was going to be a long delay. 

I headed to the lounge and found that I was there by myself.  Excellent!  This is the way to do this as far as I was concerned.   A nice little break, different scenery than my office in Portland and I could avoid interruptions.  I plugged in my computer, began charging my phone and made a phone call back to the home office.

"Mike, it's Emily; yeah, I'm stuck in San Francisco for what appears to be at least 4 or 5 hours.  Pray the fog lifts will ya!"

"Don't sweat it, kid" he said laughingly.  "The first supplier visit isn't until the day after tomorrow.  I want you to be rested up and you better be in the hotel you said you needed to stay in!"

Okay, so I know we run our company lean but it had been awhile since I'd been in Los Angeles and I wanted to stay on the Sunset Strip.  I remembered a lot of really good times on the strip and wanted to relive a little of it by staying at The Chateau Marmont.  I could have stayed at the Riot House or even at the Bel Age, but this was where I wanted to be.  I even offered to pay for the hotel myself as it was that important to me.

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