Chapter 6

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I walked Harry through the lobby of the hotel and waited until the valet arrived with his car. Once we saw it appear I walked outside with Harry. He turned to me and gave me a big hug. His arms wrapped around me tightly I returned the hug. This is what I missed the most from a relationship. The touching and intimacy – not just the physical act of sex, although that was something I was missing as well. I felt so safe and content standing there hugging Harry.

I finally let go and he stepped back.

"Remember, you call me tomorrow and we will do something together, yeah?" he asked.

"Yes, Harry, I promise you. I will call you once I'm free and we will get together." I assured him.

"Okay well, have fun with your friend Rachel tonight. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" he said playfully.

"Well, that leaves the door wide open, now doesn't it?" I joked back at him.

"Oh, I'm so hurt" he said as he put his hand dramatically over his forehead feigning shock.

"Yeah, yeah; now get going so I can get ready. See you tomorrow!" and I turned and walked back in to the hotel.

I got to my room and began getting ready. Rachel would be here soon and I knew she'd be dressed to kill. I had to be equally dressed. I had a little black dress that I absolutely loved wearing out to clubs in Portland. It was tighter than most of my wardrobe. It hugged my curves and showed off my toned body. That paired up with some black pumps and my silver jewelry. Not too much but enough to give me some bling. I curled my thick, brown hair. I had some highlights put in it before I left Portland and it looked really good. I put my makeup on with a little more bling to my eyes. My dark brown eyes always look good with the smoky look. I thought about adding a couple jewels to the sides of my eyes but thought it would be overkill. I glanced at myself in the full length mirror. I had to admit I looked good and was excited about tonight.

Rachel showed up at my door and I gave her a big hug. It was so nice to see her. She lived here in Los Angeles and was a writer. She was so much fun and I had been looking forward to this night since I left Portland.

She was dressed as fabulous as I knew she would be. She was wearing a lacy, very feminine summer dress, white to show off her fabulous tan. Her long hair was partially pulled up and I could see she just had it done with some beautiful curls in her light brown hair with teal color on the ends. She was beautiful. Guys couldn't help but notice her when she entered a room. Since she moved to Los Angeles she really came into her own; confident, independent and living life to the fullest.

She looked great, tanned and I could tell the writing was going well and life in general was good for her. Her family had been a pain while she was back East but since she moved to California, everything was going right and it was good to see her so happy and refreshed. It was like seeing a new person entirely.

"So, what is first on the agenda?" Rachel asked.

"Well, I thought we'd have some dinner, then go out for some drinks on Sunset and maybe hit some of the other clubs and do some dancing. What do you think? Any place you want to go?" I asked her.

"Actually there is this place not too far from here that is awesome. It's a little bit of a dive but they have the best martinis. It's called Liquid Kitty and it's on West Pico."

"Then we have a plan, Rach. Come on, let's get some dinner and catch up. I have a lot to tell you."

She held up her phone and I saw the photo of me with Harry and Niall getting into the company jet. Uh oh, she knew which meant the girls also knew. I had some explaining to do.

"Oh, so that photo did get posted to Twitter, huh?" I said guiltily.

"Uh, yeah and you haven't been on it for a couple days. We've been going crazy. The girls and I are ready to kill you and they told me I was supposed to kick and strangle you for not checking in on our DM. You are leaving us out of the loop and that isn't something you do." she said with slight exasperation in her voice.

"I'm sorry, Rach but it all happened so fast and I didn't want to just tweet you guys about it. I was actually going to get with you guys on Skype or Facetime you so we could discuss this face to face. You guys are the only ones I could share this with. Harry was here swimming with me earlier. "

"And you didn't call me to come over earlier??? Okay, now I'm getting angry with you!" she teased me.

"You can meet him tomorrow. You stick around the hotel tomorrow while I'm with my supplier and when he comes over you can still be here and meet him. He's really sweet Rach. He's trying to get me to stay with him but I..."

She stood up and interrupted me saying in a loud voice "And you are still staying here? What the hell is wrong with you?! This is what we have all dreamed of and you are holding out on us and not staying with him?"

"Rach, I couldn't just stay with him the first night I got here and this is just day two. I thought seeing you was much more important than being with him and looking too easy. He's hot; I mean hotter than we could ever describe but I just couldn't. I'm not going to be an easy lay not even for Harry Styles"

"Okay, I get it – I do. But you have to fill me in on all the gory details. Tell me you at least have kissed him?"

"Yeah, we've kissed."

"Come on, over dinner. I'm hungry"

AN:  A big thank you and shout out to DropYourPantsNiall .  I love you for leaving comments.  Please follow DropYourPantsNiall for a great story.  Thanks again!!

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