Chapter 22

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The morning light began to pour into the room.  I felt the hangover kicking my head.  Oh, way too much to drink last night.

"Are you ready to get dressed and get out of here love?" Harry said as he kissed my temple.

"Yes, Harry.  Take me home.  I want to sleep in your bed.  And I also need a blindfold and a bottle of aspirin.  My head is killing me." I whispered.

"I hear you love, my head is killing me, too.  We drank a bit last night didn't we? He mumbled.

"Yeah and man are we paying for it this morning; ow....." I groaned.

And then reality hit me.  I must look like some horrible nightmare.  My makeup had to be ruined and all over the pillow.  I jumped out of bed and staggered into the bathroom.  Oh my God....what could I do?  I kept some makeup in my purse but I needed to thoroughly wash my face and try to salvage what I could of my dignity.

"Baby, are you okay?  Are you getting sick?  Are you okay, answer me please?" he sounded so worried.

"I'm fine Harry, I just need to use the bathroom and wash my face.  I'll be out in just a few minutes, I promise."

"Okay, but if you aren't out in 10 minutes I'm breaking the door down and coming in after you."

I washed my face and grabbed the mascara, lipstick and powder.  Okay, I could do this....oh, I did remember my eyeliner.  Thank God.  I have a chance to look presentable.

Upon getting myself together enough, I walked out of the bathroom.

Harry was sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.  Oh no, he was regretting what he did last night.  Oh no...I thought to myself as I tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

"Harry, babe, are you okay?" I asked tentatively.

He looked up and I could see his eyes were glassy.  Oh he was hurting from this hangover.

"Ow, I don't think I've ever awakened to this much of a headache.  The whiskey and the sugar are kicking my ass this morning." He admitted.

"Are you going to be okay, Harry?  Can I go and get you some aspirin or something?  What do you need?  Are you ...."  I stopped speaking.

He looked up at me waiting for me to finish my sentence.  I said nothing.

"What were you going to say, love?  Finish the sentence, please." He pleaded with me.

"I...are you..."  I couldn't finish the sentence.

"Am I what baby?  He stood up and then sat back down.

"Are you sorry about last night Harry?" I asked with dread in my voice.

"Come here" he motioned for me to sit next to him.  I reticently walked over and sat next to him.  I could feel tears beginning to form in the corners of my eyes.  Not now, I couldn't cry now.

"Baby, I regret absolutely nothing about last night.  Well, maybe not drinking enough water while we were drinking but no.  I don't regret anything about last night.  Are you having second thoughts or regretting being here with me?" he asked with a look of fear in his eyes.

"No, babe, I don't regret it but you had your head in your hands like you realized you had made a mistake or...."

"Just a hangover from hell baby...that's all.   Haven't you realized by now I want to be with you.  I really want to be with you.  I like having you here with me and I want to spend as much time with you as I can before you leave?  I am dreading the second you get on that plane and leave me here alone.  I don't know what I'm going to do when you leave, love.  I don't even want to think about it."

I looked at him and I could see a tear in his eye.  I gently kissed him on his temple and wrapped my arms around him as I stood up and just hugged him.  I rocked him back and forth against me.  I pulled back a bit so I could look down at him.  He looked up at me.  Even in this moment with him being hungover, he looked so beautiful.  His hair was messy but sexy with curls looking up at me. 

"Babe, I don't want to even think about when I have to leave.  I like being here with you too.  I want to make you as happy as you are making me.  I hate that I have to leave you for any amount of time during the day to do my job.  I just want to be with you too."

"Let's go home, baby.  I want to go home and be in our bed" he said.

"Our bed?" I asked.

"Yes, our bed." he said.

"Let's get out of here Harry.  Take me home to our bed."

He got up and went into the bathroom and cleaned up a bit.  He came out and I had gotten dressed.  He grabbed his clothes and we both stood and hugged each other.

We walked to the elevator and Harry stopped by the desk and signed the bill.

The driver was waiting for us in the garage.  We got into the car and headed back up the hill to Harry's home.  I snuggled against him the entire drive home never wanting to leave his arms.  He pressed his lips to my head and stroked my hair.

We got back to the house and decided to take a shower and get some rest.  Luckily my appointment today was for early afternoon rather than a morning appointment.  I was thankful for that.  I needed to get rid of this headache.

As we lay in bed I turned and faced Harry.


"Yes, love."

"Do you think Gemma will like me?"

"Of course she is going to like you.  Why, are you worried?"

"Well, I mean, she's your older sister and she no doubt is going to be very protective of you.  I just want to make a good impression on her."

"Just be yourself love, she will like you.  I love you, so why wouldn't she?"

I was starting to fall asleep, but I nestled into Harry's chest more.  He was breathing very solidly and peacefully.  His head hit the pillow and he was sound asleep. 

I kissed his chest and very softly whispered into it "I am falling in love with you Harry"

I fell asleep.

Love In The Friendly Skies. A Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now