Chapter 51

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True to his word, he had Paul drive me to the airport.  I had actually managed to persuade him to stay at home.  As much as I wanted him to come with me, it would just be too much.  The fact Paul was driving even was too much for me.  I thought if I drove there or even got a taxi it would make more sense but Harry wasn't having any of it.  Paul was my security and driver and that was that.

"He is coming with you or I'm going with you – you decide love.  This isn't negotiable.  Paul can get you in and out of there with no problem and no one is going to mess with you.  You're doing this for me, baby." Harry said as he cupped my face in his hands.  "I don't want anything or anyone getting too close to you, especially at the airport.  There will be cameras there.  Hopefully they won't bother you since I won't be there but I want him by your side." He said tenderly as he placed a kiss on my lips.

I returned the soft, gently kiss and moaned slightly.  I could do this all day.

"Alright, babe – Paul will be by my side." I relented.

"That's my girl.  Thank you.  I'll be getting some work done while you're gone and be ready to meet your friend when she gets here.  I'm going to put her in the room furthest down the hall so we won't bother her.  Is that okay with you?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, babe – probably a very good idea now, that you mention it." I smirked back at him.

"Okay – off with you wench! The Emperor needs some time to work." Harry said.

"The Emperor better stay put in your trousers until I return" I poked him with my finger.

"He isn't going to do anything but stay at my side, promise love." He said as he pulled me in and kissed me.

"Make sure he does or the Emperor may have an uprising that would lop off his head!" I whispered to him.

"Ouch baby – don't even kid about that!" he winced.

"I'm out of here – see you in a couple hours!" I waved as I walked out and met Paul outside.

"Hi Paul!" I smiled and hugged him.

"Hey pipsqueak! How are you today?" He hugged me back.

"I'm great gigantor!  Taking me to the airport and being my security, huh?  Sorry you are stuck with babysitting me, Paul." I said as I jumped in the passenger seat and buckled in my seat belt.

"What?!  No Harry to tuck you into the seat?  What's going on?  You two have a fight?  No kissy face?" Paul teased me.

"Oh shut up! I really am sorry you are stuck babysitting me, Paul.  Really, I told Harry I could take a cab or even drive my own car.  It seems it would be less obvious and more normal." I sighed.

"Aw Miss Em; I honestly don't mind driving you to the airport and being your security.  You are a hell of lot prettier than the guys; well maybe Harry has better hair" he winked at me "But you definitely are better on the eyes!" he chuckled.

I stuck my tongue at him and put my sunglasses on as he started the car and started driving down the driveway.  The gate opened and the girls were there.  Heidi was not.  That had me a little concerned as she was ALWAYS there.  I started looking at my email and listening to voice mail again.  Mike was asking me when I'd be returning to Portland as he still wanted to talk to me in person.  Great!  The last thing I wanted was to think about work and going back to Portland.  I swallowed the large lump in my throat. 

"What's the matter Em?" Paul asked noticing my nervousness immediately.

"What isn't the matter, Paul" I said lowering my head and taking a deep breath.

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