Chapter 37

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We got back to Harry's house without incident, getting through the gate with just minimal fans and cameras.  We walked into the house and noticed Gemma hadn't returned yet.

"I'm going upstairs and change into something comfortable and get that report typed up so someone doesn't have a fit." I said as I walked up the stairs.

"You know, I think I'm going to have to kick Jeff's ass" Harry said with a trace of a smile.

I stopped midway up the staircase. "Harry!  He's not worth it and he's just a co-worker.  Why on earth do you feel the need to kick his ass?"

"I know it, but it pisses me off the way he aggravates you.  It would give me immense pleasure, you know?" he smirked at me knowing he was annoying me.

"Well, it may not matter soon anyway." I said.  "I may be working somewhere else and he won't be a factor."  I turned and walked up the stairs to change.

I was standing in front of the closet wearing only my bra and panties when I heard Harry walk through the bedroom door.  He saw me standing there in minimal coverage and grinned.  He closed the door and locked it.  He had an evil grin on his face as he began to dramatically and obviously creep towards me.  I stood there laughing and slowly began backing away from him.  This made his grin even bigger as he began moving towards me faster.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I laughed as I started to realize I was getting backed into a wall and the only way out was to jump on the bed and leap over it.

"What?  Can't I just walk around like a letch in my own room?" he smugly smirked as he took off his jacket and pulled off his shirt throwing them onto the chair in the corner.

"Harry, what has gotten into you?  I am trying to get dressed" I laughed nervously as I began to judge the leap onto the bed.

"But what if I don't want you getting dressed?" he lecherously smiled.  "What if I like what you're wearing and maybe want to see you in even less?"  He was now unbuttoning his pants.

"Harry, no!  You need to stop this....I mean it!" I nervously said.  Truth was I was getting turned on by his playfulness.  It was fun watching him be so childlike.

"I don't want to stop, I'm rather enjoying this" he bounced towards me having kicked off his pants and standing there only in his briefs.

I screamed and jumped on the bed trying to scurry across it but to no avail.  I felt Harry grab my leg and pull me back.  He fell on top of me and quickly rolled me on top of him. 

"C'mon baby, you know you love it when I pursue you.  Don't deny it, you love the chase.  Don't be upset when I catch you, love." He said in his deep, raspy voice.  "Give us a kiss, love."

I bent down and pressed my lips to his.  I could feel him growing harder against me as we began kissing.  I pressed my chest into his and pulled his lower lip with my teeth and felt him open his mouth and moan as I felt his tongue and mine meet. 

"Mm, baby I think you want this just as much as I do." He said confidently as I felt his hand start palming at my panties.  He was so right.  I was turned on and wet just thinking of him in me again.

I moaned as I kissed his neck and began sucking gently bringing the blood to the surface and then placing my tongue over the area I just bruised.

"Yeah, well it's pretty obvious you like the chase too, babe.  You are ready to burst out of your briefs, baby." I lustfully whispered in his ear.

"So, you planning on helping out this letch soon, baby?" he asked.

"Oh yeah, I definitely plan on helping you out you big letch." I smiled and lowered myself down his body so I was directly in front of his crotch.  He was so hard I couldn't help but smile smugly and glanced up at him playfully through my eyelashes.  "First thing first, let's get these off you" I said in a breathy coo.

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