Chapter 41

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We got back to Harry's house and once Liam stopped the car in front of the house, I opened the door and tried to steady myself before I began walking towards the front door.

Harry came bounding out to greet us and stopped midway when he saw me.  He immediately took the steps two at a time and ran over to my side.

"Liam, what the hell happened?  Emily baby are you okay?  You look pale.  Are you sick?  What happened!" he was practically yelling at Liam.

"Harry, calm down, please.  Just a little too much excitement at the Beverly Center and maybe too many people, we got her out of there as quickly as we could mate.  She's okay, let her get some rest, yeah?" he said as he walked over with Sophia.  He glanced at her and her at him.  I knew immediately they were going to tell Harry what happened.

"There's more and I know it.  Come on baby, I'm putting you to bed right now.  You need some water, aspirin and some rest.  Ah hell!" he uttered as he picked me up bridal style and I couldn't even put up a fight.  I was exhausted and still felt a bit nauseous. 

"Okay, babe; whatever you say.  I definitely wouldn't mind some water and then lying down for a bit.  I'm sorry to worry you babe.  I'll be okay I promise.  I don't think breakfast agreed with me, that's all." I meekly said to him.

He placed a tender and gentle kiss on my forehead and hugged me closer to him as he carried me into the house and up the stairs.  He placed me onto the bed. 

"I'll be right back baby.  I'm getting a bottle of water and some aspirin.  Then you are going to rest, okay?" he said softly.

"That sounds really good, babe.  Thank you."

I kicked off my shoes and slid my skirt off and took off my blouse.  Pulling back the covers I climbed into the cool sheets and laid my head on the pillow.  It felt so good, only one thing was missing and that was Harry right beside me.  I started to doze off when I heard Harry enter back into the room and gently jostle me to get me to drink the bottle of water he brought up.

"Baby here; you need to drink some water.  It will help.  And here are a couple aspirin.  If you want something stronger tell me what you need and I'll get it for you." He said.

"This will be fine Harry.  Babe, will you lay here with me until I fall asleep please? I said with a tinge of sadness in my voice.

"Of course I will baby.  Love, what happened?  What's made you so unhappy?  You look like you are going to cry.  I'm worried about you." He said as he peeled off his jeans and took off his t shirt.

"I just got sick at the restaurant.  I got really flush and knew I was going to get sick.  Guess it was too warm in there and all the cameras made me a little dizzy.  I promise, I'll be okay, babe.  I just need to rest."  I felt so nauseous and bad about making Harry worry.  I could see his brow furrowed.

Harry looked at me with some doubt and trepidation but let it go.  He climbed into the bed with me and curled up against me.  I pressed my back up against his chest and legs and just let his arms envelope me with his warmth.  God I loved this feeling and didn't want to ever leave this sanctuary.  That little annoying voice in my head kept telling me not to get too accustomed to this, this isn't real.  I felt a tear fall from my eye and tried not to move or sniffle.  The last thing I wanted was Harry to see me cry yet again.

"Baby, are you sure you are okay?  I am so worried about you.  Liam and Sophia both said you scared the hell out of them." He pressed.

I nodded my head that I was okay.  I was afraid to talk because if I did I knew he would be able to tell I was crying.  I managed to utter "Tired, so tired."

Love In The Friendly Skies. A Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now