Chapter 2

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Four and a half hours later, the fog lifted and we were ready to leave the safety of the lounge.

The three of us sat there in the lounge for those 4-1/2 hours just chatting, talking about their homes and their recent adventures.  They had been doing some PR for music and books as well as getting some golf and sporting events under their belt. 

Niall was so animated when he spoke and his hands went flying everywhere gesturing.  I laughed and felt right at ease with him, as I do the same exact thing and felt a kindred spirit with him.  Harry still had me feeling insecure.  Something I was not accustomed to feeling.

I was strong willed, independent and confident in situations.  I could fly by the seat of my pants and adapt to anything, that being one of the things that makes me good at my job.  How this man in front of me could make me become self-conscious made no sense to me.  I had met many celebrities in my travels and none of them ever made me this nervous or self-conscious.

I heard the door open and Jerry and Mark both walked in. 

"So, you are the 'guests' that are coming with us to Los Angeles, huh?" he looked them over.  He looked over at me and smiled and winked.  Not now I thought to myself as I glared back at him.

"Yes sir." Harry said.  That would be us.  We can't thank you enough for allowing us hitch a ride." 

He walked over to Jerry and shook his hand as did Niall.

"Okay, well the jet is fueled up and Mark has made certain all your luggage is on board.  Emily your stuff is all there except for your laptop, obviously."  Jerry said.

"So, how are we going to get them out there safely?  I am guessing the girls haven't left or are just being held off to another area of the terminal?" I asked.

"Yep, we should be good to go, no running required." Mark said.  He walked over to me and shook my hand again and looked down at my shoes.  "Judging by what you are wearing, it wouldn't be a safe move to run in those." 

I looked down and chuckled. 

"Well, I wasn't expecting to be running a sprint when I boarded the plane this morning" I told him. 

With that we all grabbed our things and walked out the lounge.

Harry grabbed the door and held it open for me to go first.  I smiled at what a gentleman he was.  In those four hours we chatted together, I found him to be quite insightful and very knowledgeable about many subjects.  He was one of those old souls in a young body.  He was someone very well versed and smart.  I liked him immediately but still was nervous around him. 

We all walked through the terminal and to the tarmac where we walked onto the jet.  I glanced up at the terminal from the tarmac and noticed there were girls staring at us all walking on to the jet.  Oh crap, is the jet going to be in photos on Twitter I thought to myself. I made a mental note that I should call Mike in when I got to the hotel to give him a heads up.

I have a Twitter account with a group of gals that are also One Direction fans but these gals were all sophisticated, older and we had actually had the opportunity to meet the year before in Chicago.  We met Sammi there and had a great weekend.  They will see the pictures and recognize the company name and start tweeting me in no time flat.  They were quick to stuff and I knew I'd be grilled about this.

Harry saw me hesitate before I walked to the steps and put his hand on my arm.

"Are you okay, love?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah, yeah, sorry.  I was just glancing up there and am amazed at how many girls are still up there.  I am wondering if the jet is going to be on Twitter soon.  I am going to have to let Jerry know and let my boss know there may be some phone calls coming his way." I said and walked up the steps.

Love In The Friendly Skies. A Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now