Chapter 58

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I looked at him in shock.

"That can't be, Paulie. Why on earth would someone want to get at me? What have I done?" I asked completely perplexed.

"I don't think they are trying to get at you – I think they want you. Want you." he repeated.

"That makes no sense." I shook my head.

"That blonde guy that Harry hates so much – what's his name?" Paul asked me.

"Bob? You think Bob has orchestrated this? That is absurd. I've met him maybe three times. He came to Portland twice and I visited down here once. I wouldn't even go to dinner with him."

"Yeah, and he isn't happy about that. He's used to getting his way and what he wants. It appears he is fixated on you. I just think you need to keep your distance from him." Paul said point blank.

"Well, that will be a lot easier once I resign from HRS. I won't be dealing with him at all." I said still trying to wrap my head around the idea that Bob could be behind all the paparazzi and pictures to Harry. It made no sense to me.

"You still don't think it's him do you?" Paul said reading my mind.

"I just can't fathom it – I mean, he can have anyone he wants. He's been known to go out with models and actresses; he has money. What would he want with me? It makes absolutely no sense."

"That's just it – he can't have you. You won't say yes. You keep saying no. He isn't used to that. Maybe I'm off base but promise you will stay away from him. Just be cautious especially with you moving down here. Will you be moving in with Harry I presume?" he asked.

"I really wasn't planning on it. I mean I'm sure I'll spend time with him but I figured I would get my own place. I wouldn't presume to just stay with Harry, besides, I like having my own place." I said.

"Well, I'm sure Harry is going to try like hell to keep you at his place, so if you do manage to get your own place...."

"Excuse me, if I manage to get my own place? Do you honestly think I'd let Harry NOT let me get my own place?" I said rather annoyed.

"No, no, don't get me wrong Miss Em, that's not what I meant, it's just that Harry can be very persuasive and you yourself know that. I know you'll do it if you set your mind to it and that's the truth – just be prepared for Harry to do whatever he can to keep you at his place. That is all I am saying." He said calmly.

"I'm sorry Paul, I didn't mean to insinuate, it's just I've always been very independent; I like doing for myself as well. I don't expect Harry to do everything and me just sit back..."

"And that is one of the things that attracted him to you. Your independence; you don't expect him to buy you things or get things for you. You're not like the other girls he's dated or been made to date. You like him for him; you love him for being that quirky, dorky lad from Holmes Chapel, not the Harry that is on stage or the one that shows up at award shows. Gemma told me how he was the night you two had the big fight. She called me the next day saying I really needed to help figure out who was behind all this because she had never seen him in the state he was the night you left the house." He said and by the seriousness in his eyes, I knew he wasn't exaggerating.

"Paul, I love that man – because he tries so hard to tell a joke that falls flat, that he isn't afraid to make fun of himself or take himself too seriously. How could anyone not see that side of him? It's right there!" I said exasperated.

"Exactly! You see it, others can't see past the image. You've ignored the image, hell you don't even try to see the image." He laughed.

"Why are you laughing? I don't see what is so damned funny." I said pissed off now.

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