Chapter 31

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I got on the phone again as soon as I began driving to Nobu, following Jeff's vehicle.

"Hello?" Harry said in a rather gruff voice.

"Harry? Are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked immediately.

"No Emily, I'm not okay. I'm definitely fucking not okay. Who the fuck is this guy that you are wandering around L.A. with today? I thought you were seeing suppliers? I see you were at his hotel and now you have different clothes on? What the fuck is going on?" he snapped at me.

"Harry, he is a co-worker from HRS! He met me at the suppliers today and I came to his hotel to change for dinner, that's all!" I shouted back at him, very hurt.

"Oh really?" he said with condescension in his voice. "A few drinks, lunch and now dinner at Nobu; how convenient!" he said through unmasked anger.

"Harry, I called and left you a message earlier telling you I had to change clothes, didn't you receive my message?" I started to yell but also tear up as I knew he was upset.

"Harry! Stop yelling at her! You are going to fuck things up royally you ass!" I heard Gemma yelling at him on the other end of the phone.

"We are going to discuss this when you get back here, Emily. Don't think this is just going away! I won't be made a fool of by you or anyone!" and with that he hung up.

Oh my God. Harry was pissed off with me and I had done nothing wrong. The tears were falling freely and I wasn't about to stop them. All I wanted to do was drive back up to Harry's place and explain everything to him.

I picked up the phone and I called Jeff as I made a U-turn and headed back up the hill to Harry's house.

"Hello Emily, what was that all about back at the hotel and why are you no longer following behind me?" he shrieked.

"Don't yell at me Jeff. I have to do something and I'll be there later. Convey my apologies and I will be there but I have something I need to do and it can't wait." And I hung up.

I sped up the hill and got to the gate and punched in the access code to the gate. I gunned the motor and scared a few of the fans that were outside the gate. The look on my face told them I was not going to be fucked around by them or anyone.

By the time I got to the front door of Harry's house I was angry. Angry that he could think I'd do anything behind his back; be it 3 or 4 days together. It was time Harry Styles learned Emily Scott had a mean side and it was going to rear its ugly head right now.

I got out of the car and stomped up to the front door.

I know I looked scary because the look Harry and Gemma had when they saw me was a mirror. I had been crying but I was also furious. Furious Harry could think this of me.

"Emily, so you have finally returned to the scene of – what the hell..." Harry started to say.

"You shut up! I said pointing at Harry and yelling. His shocked look made me happy.

"Gemma I'm sorry for what I'm about to do but I have to do it now and you might as well hear it." I said as gently as I could.

I turned and looked at Harry. He could tell I was pissed. My dark brown eyes looked black and the streaming mascara wasn't making me less scary.

"How dare you! How dare you think I would go behind your back and make you look like a fool! After everything we have been through, after all that we've really think I would cuckold you? Do you really think that low of me? Well I have one thing to say to you, Mr. Harry Fucking Styles. FUCK YOU! I knew staying here was going to be a bad idea. I have had cameras following me all day long and apparently it must have made its way to IG or Twitter or whatever because you are in this fucking foul mood."

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