Chapter 26

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I called Harry the second I turned off Sunset and headed towards his house.

"Emily, are you outside the gate?" he asked.

"I just turned onto Sunset. Give me a few minutes. I'll be there shortly."

"You made great time, how did you manage?" he asked.

"I don't know if I'll ever be able to explain, Harry. Just trust me I did what I had to do to get out of there."

A few minutes later the gate opened as I approached. Still lots of fans outside the gates, more now that Gemma was there no doubt I thought to myself.

I got parked and walked to the front door. Harry was walking towards me.

"Baby, you look exhausted. Are you alright? I was worried about you. I was about ready to get in the car and come get you." He said as he hugged me. Now this was the hug I wanted and needed right now. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to me so I could reach him and kissed him. He tasted of beer and peppermint.

"Harry, I just had to embarrass myself to get the hell out of there, but I am here. Gemma is going to think I am some flake...."

"No, just a busy working woman who shouldn't have to bend to my brother's every whim." Gemma said as she walked down to where we stood.

"Hi Gemma, I'm Emily and I am so pleased to meet you. I wish it would have been earlier and with me dressed a little more appropriately rather than in work attire. How was your flight?" I said as I extended my hand to her.

She looked me up and down and at my hand. She smiled and grabbed me and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back taken aback by her forwardness but very happy she was accepting me, at least in front of Harry.

I looked over at Harry and he just smiled back at me. His teeth were showing and he was almost laughing.

"Emily, you have no reason to be sorry about being here a few minutes later than my nitwit brother thinks is appropriate. You have a life and a job that keeps you busy. I don't think he remembers what that is like. His job is so different he just doesn't get it sometimes. Come in and relax. Sounds like you had quite the day." She grabbed my hand and led me into the house. We left Harry just standing in the driveway next to my car.

We walked inside and I sat down on the sofa after taking off my heels. That felt so good. I wanted to change my clothes. I felt like the bar still clung on my clothes as well as the touch from Bob that just made me feel dirty.

Harry looked at me with a bit of concern.

"Babe, are you sure you are okay? You have a funny look on your face. Do I smell smoke on you? You don't smoke, do you?" he asked.

"No, I don't smoke, and yes I probably do smell like smoke as the bar the supplier took me to was positively horrid. I didn't want to go in but had no choice. I had to get this account and I still am not certain if I nailed it or not. I don't know if he liked my hasty exit but there was no way I was going to dinner with him." I said.

"What did you do to get out of there, may I ask?" Harry said.

I felt my cheeks flush. Both he and Gemma were looking at me anxiously waiting for my response. I looked at them and then at the living room floor. I didn't want to do this but if I didn't, it would look bad.

"Well, I um, I excused myself to the bathroom, called you and walked out doubled over." I said looking directly at Gemma. She smiled. She knew what I did. Harry still was leaning forward and had no earthly idea what was going on. He looked at Gemma who he could see knew.

"What? What am I missing? What did you say? Did you get sick? What?" he voice was rising in volume.

"Harry I told him I had an issue with a woman's problem." That was all I said. I looked at him like 'okay you should understand this now', but he just stared at me.

"A woman's" he said. A second later the reality of what I was trying to get across hit him.

"OH! You told him that?!" he yelled.

"Harry, what else was I going to do?"

Gemma laughed and said "I think it was pure genius! Good for you and it got you out of there. This one can think on her feet. Harry she is good."

"If you two don't mind, I really need to go upstairs and take a shower, get this smell off me and change into something appropriate for tonight. How should I dress? Where are we going, Harry?" I asked him.

"Uh, comfortable but a little dressy" he replied. "I'll get the blouse I think you should wear. Gemma you'll be okay for a few, yeah? I'll be back down in a bit."

He followed me upstairs.

We got to the bedroom and he closed the door. He grabbed me and turned me around to face him.

"Emily, I need to know, did he do anything to you?" The look in his eyes was one I hadn't seen. I couldn't tell if it was jealousy or anger or a little of both. It scared me a little.

"Babe, nothing inappropriate happened. He hugged me when he walked me to my car which I told him I didn't want him to do. That is all. The guy is not someone I want to spend any time with and would prefer all conversations about him stop now. I've wasted enough time talking about him. I just want to enjoy tonight and forget today." I said.

"Baby, I can see you are upset. Tell me what is going on, please. Don't hide anything from Me." he pleaded.

"Babe, seriously, nothing happened. He put his hand on my back when I got there, nothing sexual in it, just awkward. I don't know him and I'm not like that with suppliers and people I don't know. That is it. Please can we drop this? I just want to take a shower and go out and have fun with you and Gemma." I looked at him and hoped he was going to drop the subject.

"What blouse do you want me to wear, babe?" I asked him.

He walked over and pulled out the blouse and pulled out a tight pair of jeans he had bought me at YSL. "This should look great with those strappy boots of yours" he said.

He looked at me and hugged me. I didn't think he would let go of me but he did and then he said "Yes, please take a shower. I can smell that foul place on you and his cologne." He turned and walked out of the room. I wasn't sure how to take his actions or his comment. Was he angry with me?

Love In The Friendly Skies. A Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now