Chapter 95

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Harry's POV:

As I began to wake I felt her warmth next to me. I immediately smiled as I realized she was curled up against my body and my arm was wrapped around her protectively. This was how I loved waking up – with Em in my arms.

I stretched a bit and realized my muscles were sore from the workout she and I had gone through since she returned last night. Last night. She turned into a woman who desperately needed and desired everything from me – demanding. She had turned her sexual side on to over drive. I took her over and over and over again. Hell, we fucked against the window, in bed, in the shower, on the sofa and on the desk. She was insatiable and somehow I was able to perform over and over again. As sore as my muscles were I wondered how she was going to feel this morning.

Glancing down lovingly at her I couldn't help but smile. She looked so beautiful and peaceful lying here naked, a small smile on her face. How I ended up with this angel I'd never know but I would do everything in my power to make certain she'd always be here. I couldn't wait for my mum to meet her.

As if on cue my phone vibrated. I quickly grabbed it from the night stand next to me and read who was calling. Mum. I couldn't lift my other arm as Emily was pressed tightly against me and I didn't want to wake her.

Somehow managing to press the accept button I answered "Morning, mum – how are you?"

"I'm good honey. Why are you whispering?" she asked.

"I'm lying here in bed with Em and she's still asleep." I answered.

"You're still in bed? Are you feeling alright? I don't think you've ever slept this late...uh oh dear. Did I interrupt something..." she stammered and I giggled. She was embarrassed.

"Uh, no mum we just had a late night. We just got to sleep about four hours ago." I replied.

"Isn't it noon there?" she asked.

"Yeah, I guess it is, isn't it?" I asked realizing how late it was in the day. We were going to have dinner tonight with Glen and Gina as well as Jeff and Glenne tonight.

"How is everything there? I was on Twitter and Gemma called me to make certain I'd spoken with you. Something about Emily having dinner with a rather handsome man last night that wasn't you – are you both alright?" she asked with concern in her voice.

"Yeah mum – everything is fine. She had a work related dinner meeting last night and she didn't get back to the room until 1:30 this morning."

"But everything is alright with you two?" she asked again.

"Yes, mum. I promise everything is good between us. We're leaving for home tomorrow afternoon. We're spending the night in London and then we'll be home the next day. I can't wait for you to meet Em, mum. You are going to love her."

"So this Tyler Price fellow; there's no tension..." she stopped not wanting to cause me any distress.

"No mum. Seriously it was just a business meeting. I am great and so is she." I said assuring her as much as I could through the phone.

"I'm so glad to hear that. Gemma said this guy is some very influential person in the business community and very handsome. She was worried when she saw the photos. Sounded as though she was a little intrigued by this Tyler person as well" mum chuckled.

I knew why she and Gemma were worried. After the incident in Los Angeles, they knew my jealous side could overtake me. Luckily for me I knew she had no interest in this man.

"Mum, no need to worry. I'll call Gemma later. Jeff and Glenne are having dinner with us tonight along with Em's boss and his wife. You'll be seeing photos of us out tonight just be forewarned."

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