Chapter 28

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Paul arrived and got the keys from Harry.

"Come on you yabo's, let's get your drunk asses home.  Just a heads up, there are some papz out there waiting for you."

"Harry, shall I just grab a cab so you and Gemma can go with Paul?" I asked.

He walked over to me and grabbed me and kissed me.  "You are coming with us.  Why on earth would you even ask that question?  I thought we agreed about this already unless you are ashamed to be seen with me." he said in a hurt voice.

"No babe, I'm not; I just don't want to embarrass you or make life harder for you...."

"Hold my hand and let's get in the car.  I don't want to hear anything more about you and a cab, do you understand?" he said in a very serious tone.

"Yes, babe.  Not another word.  Harry?"

"Yes baby?"

"Thank you for being you" and I pulled him down and kissed him just as the door opened.  I saw the flashes and was blinded.  Harry hung on to me by my waist and hand.

Gemma got into the car first and then Harry helped guide me into the car as I was still seeing spots in front of me.  He then got into the Rover.  Paul closed the door and went around to the driver's side.

"Harry, she your new girlfriend?  Meeting your family?  Is this serious?  When is your mom going to meet her?  Harry!" I could hear all the questions.

I looked at Gemma.  She was just shaking her head.  Harry was just smiling with a little drunken smile at me.  He was sitting next to me and he hadn't let go of my waist or hand except to put the seat belts on us.

Gemma was sitting in the seat in front of us, beside Paul.

She turned around and said "You two know how to get the paparazzi talking don't you?  Can't wait to see these on Twitter later tonight and tomorrow." She said as she turned back looking forward.

"How do you get used to this?" I asked him and Gemma.

Gemma turned around and said "It's just one of the 'perks' of being his sister.  You'll get used to it."

Harry leaned in to me and said "It comes with the territory baby.  There is nothing to worry about as long as you're by my side, love.  I'll take care of you and protect you."  He leaned in and kissed my lips very tenderly.  We stayed that way for a minute or so when Gemma started making retching noises in the front seat next to Paul. 

"Ack!  Stop it you two!  I don't need to see this. Paul make them stop!  Don't you have a Taser you can use on Harry?" she teased.

We both pulled apart and smiled at her.  She looked at me and winked.  Yeah, Gemma was cool.

We got to the gate and Harry punched in some numbers on his phone and the gate opened.  We got through and up to the house. 

"Alright everyone, out of the car and be careful you drunkards!" Paul said laughingly.

Gemma unhooked her seatbelt and managed but was a bit wobbly on her landing.  Paul was immediately at her side making certain she didn't stumble or fall.  Harry leaned over and unbuckled my seat belt but looked me straight in the eye and said "Don't move a muscle.  I am coming around the other side to help you."

I looked at him and stuck my tongue out at him and smiled.  He stuck his tongue out at me and winked. 

"You are really cute when you're drunk, you know that baby?" he said to me only inches away from lips.  I couldn't stop staring at those lips.  He could see me staring and stuck his tongue out again.  This time I pressed my lips to his and met his tongue with mine.  We began to make out as we felt my car door open and heard Paul.

Love In The Friendly Skies. A Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now