Chapter 3

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I looked at Harry. I could see he really meant what he asked of me and wanted me to stay. I wanted to stay but I just couldn't. I didn't want to appear 'easy' and secondly, I already had a room paid for at the hotel on Sunset. My gaze turned downward to his chest. It hurt too much to stare into his eyes this close to each other.

I pushed on his chest with my hands.

"Harry, as much as I would love to stay here with you, I really can't. I have the hotel room, it's paid for, suppliers know I am there and I have plans with friends as well. I am so sorry, but I have to grab my bags and leave." I continued and looked down at the floor afraid to look up at him.

He placed a finger under my chin and pulled my face up so I was looking up at him.

"I can't convince you to stay the night, can I?" he asked. He made sure to keep my eyes looking at his. He knew this was hard for me. I imagine it was also hard for him to hear me say no, especially after what had happened at the restaurant.

"No, Harry. I have to get to my hotel tonight and get ready for a conference call first thing in the morning and plan for tomorrow." I looked very apologetic but I don't think he believed me.

"Alright, love. It's obvious I can't change your mind about tonight. Thank you for having dinner with me. Let me grab your bags and put them in your car." He looked sad but I had to stick with this decision. I couldn't just jump into bed with him because he is Harry Styles. That was not a reason to spend the night. I'm not easy and not even for Harry Styles am I going to break that rule. I hated myself for being this strong. I didn't want to leave. I watched him walk upstairs to grab my bags.

He came down with the bags and we walked out to the car. He placed them in the back and closed it. I heard him sigh as he came around to where I stood by the driver's side of the car.

"Thank you again for dinner, Harry. It was lovely and I enjoyed spending the day with you in San Francisco and here in Los Angeles. Maybe we'll run into each other if you are out and about." I said, knowing that wasn't going to happen.

"You said you are staying at the Chateau Marmont right?" he asked.

"Yes, the Chateau Marmont why do you ask?" I questioned.

"Well, I could always stop by and take you out for lunch or something, right? Maybe we can go out for drinks? I really do want to see more of you, Emily."

"I'd like that Harry. A lot is going to depend on how my schedule turns while I'm here. It's only Sunday; I'm not leaving until next Monday. There are a few days to play with. We'll see okay?"

He looked at me and had a funny smile on his face. I wasn't quite sure what he was thinking or smiling about but I was just happy he understood my need to stay at my hotel.

"Can I have your cell number so I can at least call and check in on you?" he asked me.

"Sure, here's my phone." I said as I handed it to him. He pushed some buttons and I saw his cell phone go off, he answered and hung up. I saw him typing and saving my contact information. He looked at my phone and started pressing buttons.

What on earth was he doing with my phone I thought?

He handed me back my phone. I looked at him and he smiled.

"I saved my information in there for you. I know you can be trusted not to give it to anyone, especially after everything we've been through today." He said.

"I promise, Harry. I won't give out your number. I'll even put your name under an alias. There won't be an issue I assure you." I already knew what name I was going to put it under. I smiled as I thought of the name. The Emperor. No one other than my 7 close girlfriends would have a clue what that meant and they were all spread out across the country. Rachel was the only one here in Los Angeles and I would be seeing her tomorrow.

"Drive safely, love" Harry said as he bent down and kissed me while he wrapped his arms around me. It was a long, sensual kiss. I knew what he was trying to do and while he was definitely making it as difficult for me to keep saying no, I was determined I was going to leave now.

He pulled his face back but still had his arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled and looked at him. He just kept smiling at me but wasn't letting go.

"Uh, Harry?"

"Yes, love?"

"If I am going to get into my car, you have to let go of me." And I looked down at our bodies pressed together.

"Oh, uh, yeah...." He let go of my waist and took a step back. He really wasn't used to someone telling him no, especially spending the night with him I could tell.

"I'll talk to you soon, I promise Harry. You have my number."

He nodded and took a couple steps away so I could get into the Rover.

I got into the car and waved at him as I pulled out and waited for him to open the gate for me. I got through the gate and crowd of girls and began the drive towards Sunset.

A/N:  I know it's a shorter chapter but more to come I promise.  Please leave comments!


Love In The Friendly Skies. A Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now