Chapter 45

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As I sat in the bathtub soaking, I smiled and relaxed. The relaxing was easy in the luxurious tub. The smiling – that was easy to explain too. Harry. He was just so much fun and before Louis interrupted us on the sofa, things were definitely heading in the right direction. After having the best sleep and the energy boosts from the injections given at the hospital, I felt rejuvenated and like myself. That included my libido which was on hyper mode being under the same roof with Harry.

I knew he was so concerned at the hospital when he saw the bruises that were left. I could see how truly bad he felt. I couldn't because I felt I had earned each of them honestly. Our love making sessions were amazing. I meant it when I told Dr. Tate I didn't want to change a thing. We could be gentle or much more intense. It didn't matter as it was all done with such emotion.

Darn Louis for showing up when he did. Things were going along swimmingly. I wanted to finish where we started as soon as possible. Hopefully the songwriting session wouldn't last too long.

After sitting in the tub for what seemed like forever I glanced at the clock and saw I had only been soaking for about an hour. Hmm, well guess I'd get out and wander back to bed. I could only hope and pray Harry would come upstairs as quickly as possible.

I grabbed one of the soft and fluffy towels and dried myself off. I took another towel and wrapped it around my head. After getting ready for bed I dried my hair and looked back in the mirror. Looking at the reflection in the mirror I was a little surprised to say I was actually happy with what I saw. My eyes looked bright and shiny, my hair falling perfectly and even my skin looked healthy and had a radiant glow. Maybe Los Angeles wasn't such a crazy idea. God knows the rain and clouds of winter could be tough sometimes in Portland although I do love living there.

The realization of my job status shook me into reality. Oh Lord! It's been at least 2 days – 2 more days I hadn't spoken with my boss or checked my phone. My phone!

"Crap!" I said to myself.

I immediately knew I had to check messages, not to mention see how my friends were doing. We were supposed to have the best blow out before they left and I got sick after the situation at the restaurant. I winced when I remembered the altercation with Heidi.

I went back into the bedroom and remembered that Harry had confiscated my phone and it was probably downstairs on the kitchen table. Shit! I didn't want to go back downstairs but needed my phone.

Dressed only in a t-shirt of Harry's and a pair of his boxers I decided I could sneak downstairs and grab it without intruding on them. Truth be told, I didn't know where they were brainstorming. I could only hope they were in his music room which I had seen during a brief tour Harry had given me with the girls when he showed them around the house during their visit.

I tiptoed down the stairs and saw the lights seemed to be off in the living room and kitchen. That was a good sign. I continued down the stairs and into the kitchen. I looked at the kitchen table and saw my phone. I also noticed the dishes were in the sink which drove me crazy. Call it a pet peeve, but I hated seeing dirty dishes anywhere but in the dishwasher. But I definitely didn't want to make any noise which would draw attention and interrupt the guys.

I smiled when I recalled Harry and Louis interacting with each other. I heard the rumors – everybody has. I also knew these men had grown up together and had a brotherhood and bond that nobody outside their group that no one else could even begin to understand. A bond you had to create by events and all the craziness which enveloped their young lives. The fact they were all still so close and grounded was astounding. How could anyone remain so unaffected by it on a daily basis?

Love In The Friendly Skies. A Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now