Chapter 27

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I got in the shower and lathered up my hair and body.  Just getting in the shower and washing off the day's events made me feel so much better.  Like a film that was covering me was washed away.  I finished my shower, dried my hair and put some curl in it, did my makeup and put on the clothes he left out on the bed for me. 

I still couldn't shake the look and what he said to me before he left.  "I can smell that foul place and his cologne on you. Somehow it made me feel dirtier than I already did before I took my shower.  I wanted to discuss it but not in front of Gemma.

After putting on my strapped boots I checked myself in the mirror and walked downstairs.  They both were sitting on the sofa and Gemma was looking at Harry with a stern look on her face.

"Don't you pull that macho bullshit with her Harry, I warn you.  If you really care about her, and it seems like you do; lay off.  She isn't one of your spoiled model types or prima donna's. She is a real person who lives in the real world 24/7 until she met up with you.  She doesn't know the pitfalls of what you do and the baggage you bring to a relationship.  She has a proper job, and she seems to be very good at it; she has to deal with real business shit. She got out of there and is here with you right now.  That girl upstairs cares about you if she is willing to go through all this to be with you.  If you care about her as much as you say you do, back off and let it go.  There is nothing you can do about it.  This is something she has to deal with in her world...."

"I am finally ready, hope I didn't take too long." I said as I walked closer to the living room.

Gemma and Harry looked up at me.  Gemma smiled and said "You look beautiful.  You and Harry must have gone shopping at YSL.  That is such a beautiful blouse and those jeans are to die for.  You wear them beautifully!" she beamed at me.  "Turn around, I need to see the whole picture" and she motioned for me to spin.  I did and smiled when I faced her again. 

"No wonder my brother is acting all crazy.  You are totally fit and this little wanker has every reason to be jealous of anyone looking your way." She said chuckling.

Harry looked at me and smiled.  His eyes were also smiling and he walked over to me.  He gave me a big hug and in a quiet whisper said in my ear "You look absolutely breathtaking baby.  I'm sorry if I was cross with you upstairs.  Do you forgive me?"

I hugged him back and in his ear I said "Yes, Harry but you'll need to make it up to me tonight." With that I took his earlobe in my mouth and sucked on it just for a moment.  I heard him moan and I let go of him. 

"Well, if I pass the fashion show, let's go.  I'm famished!" and I walked towards Gemma.

"So tell me about your trip and how was New York?" I asked as we walked out the door with Harry standing where I left him.  He had a smirk on his face when I turned back to see him.

We got into the Rover and Harry drove us to EP & LP/Frankie's on La Cienega.  LP is the restaurant/bar on the roof of West Hollywood with the most beautiful views.  Frankie's is a private section of LP which would allow us to eat and talk without having interruptions and being seen by cameras.  Very exclusive and cozy.  Unfortunately we had to face cameras and fans when we got out of the Rover and walked into the restaurant.

We were seated upstairs and we ordered our drinks.  Harry ordered himself a Life Cultivated Old Fashioned, while Gemma ordered a California Love and I ordered a Royal Welcome.  I have to say, Harry knew the best places with the most unique and delicious drinks and food.  

Gemma and I began chatting, talking about her blog, her travels, what Harry was like as a child.  She asked me about my family and I showed her some photos.  I noticed at one point, Harry was just looking at us both and smiling.  I felt as though we were leaving him out of the conversation but he was quite content just watching us. 

He asked if we wanted another round of drinks and we replied with an enthusiastic yes.  He got up rather than getting the server to come to our table.

I looked at Gemma and asked her "Are we leaving Harry out of the conversation?  I feel bad, like we've left him out especially after he brought us here."

"Don't worry love he is just enjoying watching the two of us.  He said you were worried about meeting me.  Why?" she asked.

"Gemma, I know how much you love your brother.  That is obvious.  I can see it in your eyes when you look at him.  That also means you are very close to him and are very protective of him.  I would be too.  He is such a great person and has a beautiful soul.  One look in his eyes and you can see that immediately.  He gives of himself so much, sometimes I think too much." I said.

"And that statement is why I like you Emily.  You see the real him, not the one the fans see.  He told me how you guys met and how you weren't fazed by him or his fame.  How you wouldn't stay with him the first couple nights.  You aren't easy and you aren't someone to toy with someone's affections.  That makes me happy.  You make him happy.  But I will say, don't hurt him.  He hurts a lot easier than people know.  If you do, I won't promise not to send a hit man after you." She said half joking. 

"Gemma, the last thing I want to do is hurt Harry.  But I also worry because on Monday I am leaving to return to Portland.  It is going to be the hardest thing in the world for me to do and I am not even sure how I am going to handle it." I admitted.

"You really do have strong feelings for him, don't you, Em?  I mean, this isn't a crush; it isn't purely physical although it sounds like you are very compatible in that department.  You are seeing the real Harry and you like him.  He's not used to being with a real person.  He's been surrounded by celebrities, models, people that management wants him seen with for all the wrong reasons.  This is new to him too, so he may be rough for a while, but know he does truly care about you.  I can see that plain as day when you walk into the room and the way he looks at you." She explained.

"And hey, you're leaving - that's still days away.  Don't worry about it now.  Just be honest with him and everything will be alright, okay?" she touched my hand and gave me a hug.  "Take care of my little brother; he's fragile even though he'd never admit it."

"I promise I will Gemma."

"Whoa!  What's going on here?  I leave for a few minutes and you are in deep conversation.  What did I miss?" he asked as he set the drinks on the table.

"We were just talking about what a beautiful place this is and how lucky we are to have you bring us here, Hazza!"  Gemma said and smacked him on the head.

"Hey, knock it off or I'll pick you up and give you an airplane ride right here!" he threatened.

"Alright, enough!" she said.  Apparently this had happened before and she wasn't going to have it tonight.

The rest of the night we sat, drank, ate and just had an amazing time.  I just watched the two of them together and could see how truly close they were.  Harry was so happy and it showed on his face.  To add to it, no paparazzi were around and no fans asking for pictures or autographs.  It wasn't as though he wouldn't have happily given these things but this was his own time and he was enjoying every minute of his time with Gemma and me.

I took photos of the two of them and they both posed with goofy looks on their faces and tongues hanging out.  Gemma made a point of taking a photo of Harry and me; the first one of us together.  This felt right.  Harry took some photos of Gemma and me, goofy and serious.  We asked the waiter to take one of the three of us with me in the middle.  I was enjoying this evening so much, I didn't want it to end.  Sadly, it was nearly 2am and the place was closing.

Harry took care of the check and we got to the Rover. 

"Babe, are you okay to drive?  I mean, I know Gemma and I aren't but are you okay?  Should we call a cab or something?" I asked as we stumbled a bit.  Gemma and I were holding on to each other.

"Already taken care of babe; I called Paul and he's on his way to drive us home.  He wasn't particularly happy about it but I'm not driving in this condition, especially with special cargo."

He walked over and gave us both a big hug.  It was a big group hug.  I never felt so comfortable and happy in my life.

Love In The Friendly Skies. A Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now