Chapter 43

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I woke up and felt Harry's warm body next to mine.  I felt like I had been asleep forever.  I felt rested and rejuvenated.  I tried to see what time it was but couldn't tell as the clock was on Harry's side of the bed and I didn't want to wake him up.  I blinked but my contacts weren't in as I had taken them out before Harry made me go to ER. 

My glasses were in a case in the drawer next to my side of the bed but I wasn't sure I could reach them.  I wiggled just a little bit and managed to reach the drawer and pulled out my glasses from their case.  I put them on and looked around and saw Harry just smiling and watching me.

"Good morning Miss Emily.  Don't you look lovely with spectacles?" he said in a low raspy voice.

"Oh God, Harry.  How long have I been asleep?  I remember walking out of the ER and hugging Paul and then leaning into you and falling asleep.  How did I end up in bed?  Why don't I have any clothes on and why are you grinning like a Cheshire cat?" I said starting to giggle.

"You must be feeling a lot better, love as you haven't stopped long enough to take a breath." He said with a smirk.  Oh that smirk, that beautiful, beautiful smirk. "And just so you recall, I'm from Holmes Chapel which is in Cheshire.  This is my true grin."  My stomach did flip flops.  Then it growled – loudly.  I guess I needed to eat something.  Even Harry heard that.

"Well, it's obvious we need to feed you.  Let's get you dressed and downstairs.  You need some nourishment.  I've had the refrigerator stocked and all organic fruits, vegetables and whatever you might want are in the kitchen." He said as he rolled out of bed.

"Wait!  You haven't answered my questions?  How long have I been asleep?  What time is it?  Is it day or night?  How long ago were we in ER?  Harry?" I whined.

"First – you get dressed.  Second – you get your sweet ass downstairs and three – I'll answer all your questions.  Personally I think you need a Kale Smoothie.  I make a great one.  You game?" he asked completely ignoring me.

"Yes, yes a kale smoothie sounds marvelous." I replied. 

"Okay then, get dressed and meet me downstairs.  I'll meet you down there with a smoothie waiting for you." He came over to my side of the bed and sat down briefly, kissed me tenderly.  He stood up and looked at me. He was only wearing a pair of jogging pants.

"You really are beautiful with those glasses on.  A very sexy and naughty school teacher – mm" he said as he walked out of the bedroom.

I smiled as I knew what I was going to have to dress up like next time we had a romp which I desperately wanted before I got sick.  Oh God – the entire episode came streaming back to me and I lay back down on the pillow.  Fuck!  Reality!  Jesus!  What time is it?  What day is it?  I surely had been fired by now.  Suddenly it was like a weight had been lifted and I realized – I am here in bed, lying naked with Harry.  Harry has been showering me with love and care and I could get another job.  I smiled and got up and went into the bathroom to clean up and get dressed.  Rather than taking the glasses off and putting in my contacts, I left the glasses on while I slipped on one of Harry's white cotton shirts, rolling up the sleeves and a pair of his boxers.  I put on a pair of his white socks which I was surprised to see he owned and rolled them down.  I ran a brush through my hair but it was still out of control and everywhere but kind of sexy.  I felt good and actually didn't think I looked too bad this morning.  I look refreshed and it showed on my face.

I jogged down the stairs and slid into the kitchen floor where Harry was standing behind the kitchen nook.  He smiled at me when he saw me slide in and started laughing. 

"You gonna start singing "Old Time Rock and Roll" baby? He chuckled.

"Nah – wouldn't want to assault your ears this early in the morning.  I guess its morning.  I have no idea what day or time it is.  Care to clue me in Mr. Styles?" I asked him.

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