Chapter 93

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The next morning we were both up and ready in order to be at the airport before 10am. He had a private plane chartered which I still thought was over kill. As Paul drove us to the airport I asked him again "Harry is it absolutely necessary to have a private jet? Why couldn't we just take a commercial flight? I mean it's great but so extravagant" I suggested.

"We're going to take a commercial flight to the UK and trust me you will understand why it would be best using a private jet for the flight. No worries, baby I promise; you'll enjoy the flight" he smirked and then winked at me. I felt my cheeks flush and glanced down briefly. I heard Harry chuckle. "Oh baby I can read your mind plus your face gives you away" he whispered into my ear. I closed my eyes hearing his deep voice and feeling the warmth of his breath against my skin. I swallowed the lump in my throat. This man could read me so well.

"So how long is the flight?" I asked quickly attempting to focus elsewhere.

"It will be approximately five and a half hours. No refueling necessary." He replied smiling at me knowing what I was doing. "I suppose you would like to know what kind of aircraft as well." He teased.

"I'm guessing it's probably a Sabreliner or a Learjet, right?" I replied.

He pulled his head away from me while shaking it in total surprise. "How on earth did you know that? Did you see the itinerary?" he asked completely taken aback by my response.

"Baby, do you forget what I do for a living? I know aircraft. I know engines. If we are flying that length of time and long without refueling, it has to be a medium sized jet and cost wise it would make sense although it is still expensive. I know how much it costs to fly per hour – turbine engines..." my sentence was interrupted by Harry leaning back into me and kissing me silencing my thought. He pulled me into him as he continued to kiss me intensely.

"Don't you worry about a thing, babe. This is going to be fun and you're not going to think about anything else except having fun, taking in everything and being adored, agreed?" he said as he barely lifted his lips from mine. I glanced up into his eyes which were staring directly at me gazing into my brown eyes with his intense green eyes. I nodded slightly and closed the distance almost immediately.

"Alright you two, we're here – Burbank airport. There are fans so somehow the media was made aware. I'll be on Emily's right side Harry, you keep to her left. Miss Em, hang on to Harry's hand and don't let go, please." He said looking at me seriously.

"I promise Paul. I really wasn't expecting this many fans or cameras to be here – this is a lot worse than I've remembered it in some time." I said looking at Harry. He was looking over the crowd and taking it in while trying to determine what the feel of the group reaction would be upon seeing us.

"Em's going to be right by my side. I'm not letting go of her Paul. No stopping for pictures or autographs this crowd. I think it's too highly excited for any of that today." He surmised.

Paul nodded his head and pulled to the gate. The fans somehow broke through the security and began pounding on the Rover screaming Harry's name and trying to get his attention. I jumped towards the center and nearer to Harry who had his arm wrapped around me already.

"You'll get out on this side, love – your side is just too crazy at the moment."

"Alright, babe; I'm right beside you." I said my eyes wide with amazement and my heart racing.

He opened the door while I turned around and saw security finally pulling the girls away from the Rover and back behind security barricades.

Harry had his arm wrapped tightly around my waist and pulled up against him. I was walking quickly and in long strides to make certain I kept up with him. He had a serious look on his face but glanced down at me and smiled letting me know he appreciated my pace. All the while, I heard cameras clicking away amongst the girls screaming. Sunglasses shielding our eyes we just smiled at each other and walked into the building for our clearance and then onto the tarmac to the jet which was waiting.

Once we cleared security I looked outside finally able to take a couple deep breaths and noticed it was in fact a Sabreliner 65. I shook my head knowing he could have hired a Learjet with a few less seats and at a much more reasonable rate. I just smiled squeezing his hand. He smiled at me as he just couldn't wait to get to New York, or more accurately to see my reaction to being in New York with him.

We were escorted onto the tarmac and to the stairs leading into the jet. Paul was right behind me. Harry turned around watching the fans and decided to wave and smile at them but kept my hand firmly in his, never letting go. He was making certain the fans knew he and I were together. I grinned and squeezed his hand. He pulled me up the step, wrapped his arm around me as we walked into the jet.

As we entered the interior of the jet I saw that it wasn't as personalized as the one we used when we flew from Medford to Los Angeles but it was still extremely luxurious and comfortable. Harry placed his hand on the small of my back and led me to a seat where I promptly sat down. He sat next to me and placed his hand on my knee and squeezed. I squealed as I was caught by surprise and was extremely ticklish. He let out a loud cackle at the high pitched squeal that left my lips. I began laughing at him and soon a snort came out of my mouth which I quickly covered with my hand but it was too late. Paul walked into the plane and saw us sitting and laughing like hyenas and shook his head but quickly began smiling. He took a seat on the other side of the aisle from us and clicked his phone while we continued laughing like idiots. Soon I realized Paul had taken a photo of us and had it safely in his phone. He grinned at me and winked.

Soon I noticed a notification on my phone for a new text. Harry's went off at the same time. From Paul – it was the photo he had just taken. As I opened the message, my eyes teared at the look of pure happiness in each of our faces. It was just a couple completely free, happy and laughing from the heart. Harry was looking at his phone and turned to gaze at me. He smile radiated as his eyes lit up meeting mine. "Baby we're perfect" he mouthed before he leaned in and kissed me.

AN:  Sorry such a short chapter.  Almost over guys....

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