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Anirudh p.o.v.

i went inside the home. i open the box i do not believe my eyes its red color guitar, oh god how is she know that i love red color? its awesome...this is the most beautiful guitar in this world i shouted yah whooo! finally i get my lovely guitar!!!!

Everyone turn and see me differently..and they started to laugh.i play the guitar we all enjoy the music, suddenly i remember those words" plz inform it to her sir' which is say that boy.. i took my phone and call her.the phone ringing...she cut the phone, i try again but it no use she put it switched off.i  get little worried. i placed it down ..when i do it the letter fall down in my leg.i take it and open it..

started to reading....!


                        Hey ! Happy birth day to you, have a great year ya! i hope you like it.when you see it at the time i want  stay there, but unfortunately i miss your birth day.. anyway when i come back i will see you. i miss u my dr friend..

With love ..jas

when i read it ,i realize y i feel something not right. i miss my mind y she switched off her phone anything wrong??? god plz pass out this week.

At the same time my friend come near to me and he pulled the letter from my hand.he read it.he smiled at me..and ask the question

A;parah!! hmm letter lam yeluthi irukaga??

Me; hey give it to me.

A; oh,no way. he start to running.. i follow him ,he reach my room. i'm also went inside..

A; if u don't mine plz tell the truth.

Me; what truth?

A; Do u love her?

Me; what?? love ah?

A;i think so.

Me; she is my friend that's all.

he look  me deeply and said liar.i really my mind there is no feeling like it,then y he say i am a liar.i ask to him ..

Me; hey y u say it? how u say i'm in love with her?

A;its very simple.. u have the feeling for her. i  notice you from the starting.

Me; oh, but its not true.  i just miss her.

A; hello,missing is only tell the true love. said with smile.

Me; i don't think so.

A; oh k, think deeply u know the true.

Me; okay.

when he get out from my room i ask to myself i'm in love with her?did  i love her? no its not love.she is my friend only.....okay just chill if its true or not i leave it now check it after.

To be continued..

Sorry guys it very boring.i will do my best in next chapter.plz put the comment.

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