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Ani and me seated in the sand and watch the waves..its  so loud but beautiful in the moon light..

A; do u believes this?

Me; what?

A;our love is accepted  by our parents.

Me;hahah its all god bless.

A; yup..ur right.. tomorrow free ah?

Me; hmm no, office project submit meting ..i am the  head of this project.

A; head ah? after the marriage u continue ur job?

Me; of course professional is important.

A; hmm okay..hey see there...

Me; what? i turn and see what is that?

A; hey its ice van..come we buy one it.

Me; no..

A; what girl u r? don't like ice?

Me;no one..i want 3 no 4..hmm 5  i rise my hand and show the five fingers on to him.

A; its time 1 am..if u eat 5 u get fever.

Me; fever is my friend it don't disturb me..said with smile. he  pulled my cheek and said

A; my sweetie , if u get the fever i do not concentrate my job and u do not go ur presentation

Me;so sad..okay  buy one .

A; hmm .. i want chaoco which flav u want?

Me; me too..

we buy the two chaco ice and start to eat it...then we start to walk ..when i eat it see look my face again and again..i watch it and ask to him.

Me; y u watch me?


Me; liar tell me the truth.

A; we get the engagement in coming sun day.

Me; what coming sun day?

A; hmm.

Me; its just two days .. no one said to me

A; yeah.i'm the one who say it to ur parents?

Me; y?

A; i want to say it by myaelf. and see your expression.


A; huh?  no see any expression

Me; its happy but no is possible? and no time to invite friends.

A; i will take all of this. don't worry.


we reach my home..he said bye..i wave my hand in air say to bye.i went to my room and get some sleep.

The next day morning..

i get ready to go my office...i went to priya room and knock the door...she open it.

Me; hii gud morng.

P;hii gm.

Me; now how u feel?

P; yeah well.

Me; hmm gud..i ready to go my office..u stay here. i prepare the  food for u..its placed in the table...take your food and medicine okay.

P; hm k.

Me; bye  c u evening.

P; bye.

i went to my office...

To be continued..!

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