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God is great..yeah at the time one car is cross to me..i stop that car and ask to help me. he stop the car for me..i  try to pick her up but i can't do it..the car driver came and help me...i search  for that gang but  i do not see them..i finally get the relief..

At the hospital

Doctor; don't worry she is fine .

Me; Thanks doctor. when will u discharge her?

Doct; hmm after she wake up .. u go to the home

Me; oh k. doctor.

After the doctor leaving .i sit besides her and wait to wake up the time my phone rang..i take my phone and see who is that it from my dad.

Me; hii dad.

D; did u meet him?

Me;yeah dad..thank u dad.

D;oh u know it?

Me; yup..i know all the thinks.

D; r u ready to the marriage?

Me;................ i was silent.

D; oh kk..i understand it.. we arrange it very quickly.

Me; i started  to blush and say hmm dad.

D; i really happy for u ..take care ma..bye

Me; bye dad. i really happy ..i start to dream about our phone tone cut my dream..i see home screen its from ani.

A; hii dr.

Me; hii

A; did u reach ur home?

Me; nope i 'm in hospital.

A; h..s..p..i..t..a..l..oh my sweetie what happen to u? can i come there?

Me; oh dr i am fine..i come here for one need to u come here.

A; who is she?

Me;i don't know..she fall down in front of my i help to her.

A;oh...anyway take care your self sweetie.if u need any help call me.

Me; yup. then u finish ur work?

A; hmm yeah...did u speak with ur father?

Me;hmm.. he said to arrange the marriage  very quickly.

A; sweet...i am waiting

Me; hahah... keep ur waiting for one year.

A; what one year??? hmm k but one condition

Me; what condition?

A; you live with living together ..said with smile.

Me; y..o..u..  i gonna kill u idiot.

A; i...d...i...o..t huh? podi

Me; po da...said with smile.

A;oh k when u get out from there?

Me; hmm after she wake up.

A;k tc u latter bye.

Me; dye..i love you.

A; wow second time hear those words from u.i love you !!!

end the call.

In this gap she wake up...she try to stand but  she last her balance ..i run and pick care her.

Me; hey be careful. y u try to stand?

She;hmm i little scared ..where i am?

Me; you r safe..we here in hospital. come on sit here.

She; oh thanks...bwt who r u?

Me; oh name jasmine...when i go to my home u fall down in front of my taxi.

She; oh thaks for ue helping.

Me; what's your name? where is your home?

She; my name priya. i am live in sowcarpet.

Me; who r they? y they chase u?

Priya;hmm some personal problem.

Me; oh k. r u okay now? how u feel?

P; yeah...better.

Me; shall we leave from here?

P; oh k.

Me; hmm take it your medicine.


we leave from that room. i pay the bill..and get the taxi ..

Me; your address.

P; no no i won't go back there.

Me; what?? then where u go now?

P;i don't know.

Me; your family? your parents?

P; no one there for me. she start to cry.

Me; sorry ma..don't worry i will here for u..come to my home..

P; thanks.

we reach my home.. i open the door. she enter to my home the time she drop her phone ..quickly i pick it up ..its switched on itself...i saw that picture ...its really give the big shock to me...

Me; priya this photo?

she pick  back it very fast and see my face.

To be continued ...!

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