300 21 3

We reach the and my friends come out from the airport to get taxi and  reach that hotel...we take some rest ..

Night 7.00pm

We went to the  hotel for dinner.. we take seat..

A; hey guys what u want order it.

Friends; okay da.

We order our food ...after the few seconds food come we start to eating..while eating..

Ar; hey ani  say about ur plan.

A; what plan da.

Ar; our program in malaysia. where did we first go?

A; oh hmm first Petronas tower ,KLCC park, Kek lok si....... etc da.

Ar; hmm k..u guys k for this plan.

Others; yeah k

Then we finish it and  went to our room get peaceful sleep..


We get  ready to go outing...we decided to travel in Train... so as fast as reach the junction..get ticket and catch our train..

We  seated in one compartment the time  i see that girl..  she read the news paper..i see her dress its  similar to  jasmines dressing sense..then we  focus to  our conversion...

The train stop in the  stopping  she cross me at the time  i see her face its jasmine...i was shock  same time happy there is no words come out from my mouth... she leave the train...i stand and run but  train door was close and it start to moving....

Friends; hey what happen??? ask in shocking tone.

A; hey ..its ..i....t.....s..... no more words do not come out.

Ar; dei say fill words  what happen?

A; J..........A....S......M...I....N....E da.

Ar; r u mad? how she come here?

A; how i knew it?

Ar; its ur dream da.. come on seat here.

Others; hahah..over dream ah??? hahah........

A; no its true ..i see her.

Ar; how u say it very sure?

A; cause i know  her smell

Others start to laughing ...

A; stop it da...when u love someone u know about my pain.

Others; oh... hahah..

Ar; ok guys leave it.

Then we enjoy our hole day ...but i  think about that girl if she are jasmine or not.. how can i find her???

We return to at the same train i carefully  watch each and every station...  one of the station ..i see that girl  again ..who is look like  jasmine...  when she cross me i turn over outside...she seat  opposite   to me .. she put the head phone and start to her the songs...and in her hand  some books she look that book..suddenly i see her hand..That ring...its MY INITIAL ... OUR ENGAGEMENT RING..


How i conform it???? the ring not only enough  for it???

To be continued....

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