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We speak with together at the time vaishu come to our room

V; hey guys,

A; come in sis.

she come inside and  see us , while she see me she get the guilty feeling

V; i am so sorry jas.

M; hey what happen? y u say sorry

V; no its all for me, if i do not .....before she say it i cutt off her

M; no, no its not for u

Ani give the confuse look to us.

A; hey what did u say its all for u?

V; yeah.

A; what do u mean ?? he rise his tone

i interrupt both of them , hey stop it guys ..ani i need one fav so go and get that.

A; what u want di?

M; i want juice so plz bring it here

A; oh k.  he went out from there

after he lefting i see vishu

M; vaishu y u think like this?

V; i get guilty feeling di

M; come here and sit down besides me

she come and sit besides me...i explain to her the reason for my accident..i just say lie because i want remove her guilty feeling.....after i say it she look relax then she went out from our room.

After the few seconds ani enter inside the room his hand juice glass.

He come towards me and  seat on the bed.

A; hey this juice is very tasty u know???

M; yeah yeah i know..give it to me

A; this is for u...he  expand his hand in front of me

i try to get it but he pull back it

M; hey...

A; u want huh???  he stand up from the bed

M; i did not want it...said in angry tone

A; cool baby ... wait i check it how is it taste ?

He drink full juice , he  say its ' AWESOME'

i try to get up from the bed..i put my  one leg in land and try to put the another one..but i can't cause its was the broken i  slowly do it while i stand my body was shaken  front and back.

before i fall down ani come and catch me

A; r u mad??? y u stand up

M;   y u cheat me

A; idiot  u do it  for juice huh?

M; i want water so ..

he carry me in his hand and put me on the bed....he  come very close to me and say..

A; i bring it so just stay this position

M; hmm k.

he walk few steps and turn to ask it R U WANT THE TREATMENT??

M; i think the medicine so say YES..

he start to laugh and say wait i will come back and give it to u..


To be continue.........

Hope its not boring

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