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I plugged the head set on my phone and hear the some lovely

Ani's enter the room... she remove my head set...

M; what happen ya?

Ani;sis; come along with me

M; where?

she pick my hand and move fast ..

M; hey....

we reach where he stand ..

M; what wrong with u? ask to her

Sis; hey now say it..look him and said like this.

A; y not i say it many more time...

M; what say ??

A; u r scardy  cat

M; what??? pich what happen here explain

Sis; hey i have 4 ticket for one movie ..i invite u n him  but he say ur scardy cat so u won't come with us

M; oh really...what kind of movie?

A; hahah...see if she know the truth she won't come with us

M; very funny.... come on let's go...  i don't need the title...

Sis; hahah.. now speak bro???

A; okay... i accept my lost

Sis; get ready guys movie will start in one  hour ..we rushed our self and  went to the theater

In theater ...

Sis; guys i go along with my friends..u  guys carry on  ur way

A; oh k...let's go

My mv.; i am with him huh?

we sit besides...she went with her friends.. when i turn she gave the 'THAMS UP'  to her bro...he did it same.

The movie where start.... i see the title  ITS GHOST MOVIE.... i get little scared.

The movie is very TERRIBLE... my hands are start shivering ..

i could not control the time i felt something  top of my hand....i was turn

A; don't get scared i will be here with u..he hold my hand tightly

M;  Thanks...

while the climax i get down my head in his lap....i close my eye and ears...

Ani p o v..

i know she scared  for the ghost that's y i plan take her to this movie...if we alone she  forget all fight  and  calm down her self...i use my sister for my plan... now its work.. hahah..sorry jas..

After the movie ending we came out from the theater ....he always held my hand with his hand..

A; hey baby r u okay.

M; yeah k.


M; what?

A; just sing ya...

M; oh k.

we waiting for her...she come where we stand....

Sis; hey jas i want some drinks can u bring it?

M; yeah sure...i went to the shop..

in between the GAP.........!

To be continue....

Hey guys...that song UYRIE  UN UYRIENA NAAN IRUPEN... sing by our RC ANIRUDH...he had such a lovely voice....hope u like that song and my chap...

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