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I call her but no response...she  sleep in my lap....

i don't  want to disturb i carried her in my hand without any disturb...

i feel her weight...she is very less weight...

i went to my room and slowly open it by my leg... i went inside and put her in bed...and cover the bed sheet ..she sleep very well... i stand there few seconds for see her face...then i went out...

i want to give  surprise to her.... so i ready to arrange all the thinks...

first i brought one new dress for her....

then i return to my home...i  went to the room she is in deep sleep....i was waiting for the time moving....

Time pass as fast as....the evening time coming....


i sleep very well...its too much time...yeah when i wake up i see the time its evening...i  get up from the bed..and  fresh up myself ...when i come out from the bathroom...i saw the box and  one letter..

i open the box in its a beautiful  sharee in its..

in that letter..



what  the hell is he thinking? i wear that sharee ...its really awesome  ..

i hear the door sound ... he come inside the room

A; wow ...u look ......

M; tnx.

A; okay come with me..

M; where?

A; pich...he pull my hand and went to the downstairs...

i was so shock...he arrange the party  with our friends..

A; how is it?

M; its really awesome ya...

His friends and my friends give their wishes to us...and all of them enjoy the party...we too enjoy it.

At the end of the party they all say bye and leave from our home.. me and ani is alone..

A; come on sit here

M; hmm

we sit besides...

A; hey close ur eyes for few seconds ya.

M; k i close my eyes...

After the few seconds i open my eyes ..the all light are switched off ...its too dark....i get the scared ..i call him ANI WHERE R U?

suddenly so many  candles are appears....its light's are make that place so beautiful...

A; Give ur hand to me..

M; i give my hand to him....he pull my hand ..i don't except it so  i forcely bumped  to him..we both fall down in the sofa.. i am fall in top of him..

A; oiii  what is this?

M; its not my fault..

A; oh.. that's means its my fault huh?

M; yeah..

i get up from him..  and went away from him..

A;  wait i will come there

i start to run and he come chase me...i went inside the room...while i enter inside  he catch me..

we both fall down in the bed ..he come top of me..

We both laugh for few seconds...suddenly he kiss me....its give different feeling to me....he already kiss me many time but this kiss different  from the other kiss

i close my eyes.. he continue his kissing work....i pick the bedsheet very tightly ..he call me

A;hey jas.

M; i open my eyes... what? ask to him

A; r u ready?

M; i start to blushing..i turn my face other side..

A; oh k..i understand.. he get off from me and  he try to move....i pull his hand he again fall down top of me....

skip all the romance...

To be continue....

sorry guys its very bore... i will give best in next part..

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