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The next day....

i get ready to go office...since these 3 days i don't go office so today i go ..i decided to resignation my job.. because Ani book the ticket for went to india so i am also leave from here..before i do it i get the permission from Ani and our family.. they agree my decision today i resign my job..

A; hey can i drop u in ur office.

M; oh sweetie don't need u come there...will back in the afternoon.

A; oh k.. come fast

M; yeah. bye

A; bye.

i drive my car and reach my office...

i enter in the office ..its totally different from my last day...there is so many juniors ..i don't find my friend there..i took my phone and call her.

She; hey jas hw r u?

M; hii am fine hw r u and where r u?

She; sry foor inform it..he change to another branch ya.

M; what? which branch?

She; KL our set ur one who work there.

M; k.. today i will resign my job. that's y i come office

She; y?

M; i will meet u in evening at the time i will explain it. k bye.

She; okay..bye

i end the call and went to the manager room..

M; Excuse me sir...

Raja; yes . ( manager)

M; Good morning sir..

R; Good morning

He look me shockly

R; r u get married??

M; yes sir..

R; congrats..

M; thank u sir.. i give the letter to him.

R; what is this?

M; i resign my job sir.

R; y?? asked in shock tone.

M; Tomorrow i leave from malaysia with my family husband also want i resign my job.

R; sorry i do not accept it.

M; y sir..

R; we accept new project u r the one who handle it... u r the senior in this office so we have no choice..

M; but sir.. he cut off me.

R; there is no way to leave from it... its our company order u must obey the order..

M; if i don't do it.

R; we take the action against to u..

I don't know what should i do?? if i say yes how ani react to me???

finally i decided work it.

M; oh k sir..i will finish it in one week ..if i finish it u accept my letter

R; okay..

i leave from the office ..i went to my home..

How did i say about it to him???

After hear it how he react to me???

Hope ani must understand my situation ...

To be continued...

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