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i went to drop my bro...

while we traveling we speak  about our family, he invite me my home town

M; bro now ani is very busy  in his work..

B; so what u only come and stay few days there

M; hmm, must to ask him

B; k,  say after abt it

M; mm k. bye bro

B; bye.

i drop his where he want go...its  very long distance from chennai city.. so i want to drive as fast as...because i  don't have enough time for packing my things for traveling goa.

i start the car very fast...

While i was driving vaishu call me...i pick the call

V; hey where r u?

M; i am on the way ya

V; do u ready to go there?

M; no ma , i never pack my things

V; oh , very good

M; hey sry di , just few seconds i will be there..

V; don't talk to me..

M; hey vaishu...  she cut the call... i try to call her but she do not pick up it.. so  i increase the car  fast...


Anirudh p o v..

i  slowly wake up from my sleep...when i open my eyes i  do not see jas  in my room...i think she must go downstairs..

i get up from bed and went to fresh up myself..

Hahah we go to the Goa for our honey moon....i want pack up my all things...i enjoy the bath....while i was bath i here my phone was ring... i  ignored it...

after the bathing i came out from the bathroom and wear the Tshirt...i took my phone and see the home screen the call from jas mobile....i dial  her number...

After the call pick uping i stand like rock, my phone fall down from my hand.....

To be continue.....

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