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I SHOUTED ........

Suddenly i get up and seat on the bed.... my body were shivering and get more sweating ...omg what a terrible dream??? 

 i get up and went to the table , i  drink some amount of water and wash my face...

i try to sleeping but that dream come again and again in front of my eyes, 

its make me crying ..

i went out side of the room because ani still in peaceful sleep, i wont disturb him.

sit down in the varandha and hug my knees in put my face in it ............start to crying 

while crying some one touch my shoulder ,i see who is that?

A; hey what happen? y sit here? 

I stand up and hug him , the seeing of his face make me so emotion , so i continue my tears flowing 

he was shock and confused 

A; hey , he pick my shoulder

M;ani , please let me  do cry for some time 

A; k, but y u crying?

M; don't ask cross question said with the weeping 

A; mm  k

i put my face in his chest , he hug me back, i feel the comfortable in his hand, his warm give the protection feeling to me

After the sometime i stop the crying

A; now how u feel?

M; hmm better we sill in hug

A; k say y u crying?

i explain to him, while i finish it he stat to laughing 

i push him back and give one angry look to him

A; sry di,  y u had a dream like this?

M; i don't know

A; what u think about him?

i said what i am think about hari

A; that is the problem,  he is not like that person

M; how did u say it?

A; mm,  ur just his first crush 

M; crush?

A; yeah, its puppy love just be relax

M; who said it to u?

A; hari told me everything what happen between in  ur life 

M; when?

A; yesterday morning............ just see him like ur old friend

 i nodded   my head, when i hear it i feel so relax

i wash my face again and came out from the washroom

ani went and lying on the bed, i went near the bed and lying besides him

he said 'come close to me '

i just move towards him, he kiss my forehead and hug me while hug me YOU R ALWAYS MINE NO ONE COME BETWEEN US , SO BE HAPPY ALWAYS MY PRIENCESS....



To be continue...

sry guys if it boring

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