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J ....A....S....M....I....N...E  my mom yilled my name ..i went to the downstairs..

M;what mom?

Mom; we r going to outing ..we return in evening so handle the home.

M; u all guys went out huh?

Ani'm; yes jas ..

M; i saw his sister and say don't go ya.

Sis; sorry jas hav to go... will back in evening ya.

B; bye jas..

They all went out from and anirudh only in home.. he stay in room...i  close the main door and  went to the kitchen .. she prepare the  breakfast for us...

M; hey A...N....i.. i yilled  him

He come to the downstairs..

A; hey where is the every one?

M; they went out..return in evening

A; wow..thats great.

M; huh ? k  let's go eat.

A; kk.

we sit in the table and  start to eating....after finish it..

A;  i want to watch any movie..what did u say?

M; yeah k..

A; which movie ??

M; i like so many movie Thangamahan or 3 k.

A; k i play the 3 movie first ..

M; hmm k.

we enjoy the comedies on that movie...but in climax....i  started to crying...ani get shock..

A; hey what happen y r u crying?

M; i ..he suddenly switch off the movie

A; okay cool its just movie...he seat besides me and hug me....i buried my face in his chest ..i feel TRUE LOVE IN HIS ARM..

he care my couple  of my checks and say its just movie ..don't tell me  u hate like these scenes .. he  wiped my tears ..

M; its k ani.. i like movie but i don't control myself in this kind of scene.

A; oh..

Then he  plug  the music  ..they are the awesome songs...

When the OH OH ... song play he ask to me can we dance

M; sure.. i pick his hand

we  dance  suitable for that song.... it similar to the video song...

Next Selfie pulla...

i  took my phone and took some selfie with him...



we sing along with the  song...while i sing those lines...he kiss  my  checks..

M; hey  what r u doing? u r not a girl?

A; what u sing?

M; i sing selfie pulla give me a...

A; see ur phone is in my hand...i took the selfie..while i take selfie u ask it. so i kiss u.

M; cheater... hahah

A; not cheating dr... say it again i prove it

M; what should i say?

A; let's take a selfie pulla give me a...

This time i kiss him.

We enjoy the way.......

To be continue....

Hope u like it....if it bore sry...

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