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Guys !! i make some changes  in my story .. priya character ah jasmine friend ah set pana poren so i remove that project changing ( cheating ) chapter ..i hope u guys accept it.

Story continue...

He drop me in my home...then he left ... i decided to go the shopping mall.

Me; hey priya!! where r u? she come out from her room

P; hey jas i'm here.

Me; get ready to go shopping ya.

P; me ah?

Me; of course you.. you and me go to the shopping now.

P; i am a stranger  before she finish it i cut her off...

Me;you are not stranger are my friend..and my engagement is coming sunday as a friend ah do ur best.

P; sure...

Me; That's my friend..

P;hmm k..then let's go.

we went out from my home and take the taxi...reach that big mall...its name PHONIX MALL ...

we buy the dress and matching  sets etc...and went to the coffee shop...before  enter in it..i saw that banner its very big banner its ANIRUDH  LIVE IN MALAYSIA CONCERT..FEB13

when i  see it i'm so happy but he don't tell me about this..i  took my phone and call to him...

A; hey !

Me; hii ..u r a cheater

A;what's up ya? y u scold  me?

M;  y u don't tell me about ur  concert?

A; oh ,..sorry i forget that...  and

Before he speak i cut him off.

Me; forget huh? that's fine  please forget me ..bye i end the call.

He call me again and again but i cut the call and switched off my phone.

i went to close to that banner ... some people watch that banner ..i hear few girls speak about us...

1st girl; hey his concert in malaysia?

her frnd; hmm. how did i go to prince charm concert?

1stgirl; hey don't get over feel ..he also in relationship.

3rd girl; what he love someone?


her frind; its andriya..but its broke up ya.

1st; you idiot..not that now he fall in love someone...but he keep it in secret

Her frnd; is it true.. sad..anyway they both get long life.

This conversion give happy smile to me...priya pick my hand and come on let's go ya.!

Me; yup ..let's go.

we get our coffee and seat in the corner side ..

Me; priya do u like ur dress?

P;yup its so cute.

Me; yup. do u finish ur coffee?

P; yeah

Me; k let's go.

P; hmm.

Me and priya come out from the mall... we reach our home...i forget that my phone in switched off...

 Next day Morning...

i  wake up from my sweet sleep.. i see him in front of me...i was shock so i rubbed my eyes and see again...he is not my mind oh i'm in dream..! he always torcher me in day and dream..

i  fresh up my self and come to the downstairs.. he seated in the sofa and smiled at me...

Me; o,g y  i am always in day dream.

A; what day dream?

M; yeah..that filled with full of u .

A; is it.. he come near to me and pinch my hand...

M; ouch.. i shouted

A; hahaha its real not dream.

M; its too pain...i rubbed my hand.

A; your coffee. he give the coffee cup to me.

Me; who make it?

A; your husband. . said with smile.

M;  HAHAH...Thanks my dr husband...!

To be continued...

i hope its not bore.

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