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In marriage hall...

Ani read the letter...and starting to laugh...he said hey guys u play with me right??my parents and bro do not say anything...

A; oh she play with me huh? i will find her.

He search in the whole mall and surrounding  garden...then return to the hall and ask to my bro where is she???? i do not find her..i agree she won this match please say come out...

M'b; i am sorry ani she is not here..that letter is true..she leave us..

A; what but y?? she love me and we get the engagement also??

M'b; yeah but now she is..

A; enough bro i do not want to hear it...i truly believe her she cheat me..

He get away from there..he go to his room and close the door...


I truly love her then y she leave me??? y god u always hurt me??? i am not the wrong person then y i get more and more pain my life...she broke my heart...i start to think our post tears comes over flow in my cheeks....

I think my proposal day and her accepting day and etc...

I get more angry at the same time more pain in my heart...its like my    world  was broken i lost my all my good habit..i went outside and start my car i stop the car near the bar.....when i try to enter the bar she come in front of me..she smiled at me...

She; hey r  u dranker??

A; no no i do not had the bad habit like this.

She; then y u come here?

A;  its all to u ..y u leave me?? i try to catch her...she disappear ..i remember those word I HATE DRANKERS she said it to me one i leave from that place....i do not know where i am going???

I went to my home..i get the my heavy head i do not speak with any one...i lying on the bed ...i remember her face again and again...and  my time with her...

I see my hand its her initial ring engagement ring she also get my fist initial ring...we choose it...but now her name is only stay with me ..the real aal is did she cheat me???i am so looser huh????

If i meet her again i will show her WHO I AM????

I change my  mind  and make the  all love feelings to ANGRY..!

At the same time here old house....

 I slowly open my eyes...i  feel  so uncomfortable... i  try to pick up my hands but no use they tide me...even i do not open my mouth....!

To be continued....

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