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I say Thanks ani..! then went to the sleep..

The next day morning ..

i  wake up from my sleep...he get up before me...i fresh up myself and went to the downstairs..

i say good morning to everyone...they accepted my wish ..i search where is ani?? but i don't find him..i went to the kitchen mom give the two of coffee..i look her confusely

M; one cup for me another one?

M'mom; its for ani.

M; he is not in home mom

M'm;  don't make me angry see in ur room.

M; room ?? k

i went my  upstairs...and reach my room..

when i reach my room his sister come out from my room... while she see me started  to laugh..

M; hey y r u laughing?

Sis; nothing ...said with smile.

M; don't lie say what happen?

Sis; my bro told me EVERYTHING...

M; what ?? what did he say?

Sis; u ..everything means everything  she continue her laughing..

M;  u looser  don't believe him ya.

Sis; oh k k.. its too hot.

M; what do u mean?

Sis; c...o...f...f...e...e ya. then she leave from that place...i get more angry to him... i enter the room..

He fell  on the bed and hear the music...

i put the cup down and  switched off the music...he turn and look me.

A; hey good morning my dear wife,..

M; do u have any sense?

A; y u scold me in this morning?

M; what did u say to her?

A; oh..u ask about it huh...noting to say too much.

M; its our personal  is it or not?

A; hey y u get more angry  just  chill.

M; don't speak with me.. take ur coffee..

i take my cup and went to the balcony.. he take the cup and come near to me...

A; hey u looser she don't ask anything to me...she just play with u...

i turn and see his face..

A; yeah ..she said ' i want to play with her so   give the co operation to me' that's y i speak like that.

M; u guys cheater.. i lightly punch him.

Sis; wow what a angry women huh? said with smile..

i try to catch her but she run away from our room...i  start to walk but ani stop me by holding my hand..

M; leave my hand ani..

He push me into the wall and put his hand across to me..

M; hey what r u doing? the door is open if any one come ... he close my mouth with his palm and look my eyes..

A;  some one have the more emotion for me..

M; i remove his hand and  say WHO?

A; its my beautiful wife ... he  kiss on  my lips.. i close my eyes he continue the kissing for few minutes..

After the kissing he release me..

M; when i get up i don't see u here

A; yeah i went to my  sis room for  make the plan

M; oh  plan huh?

i hit him with pillow.. and started to laugh...

To be continued...

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