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The next day morning .......

i as wake up too late , when i wake up i don't see ani there

i fresh up myself and went down stairs , its completely silent ,,

mom' i yeilled but no response , where the hell they go in the morning time huh?

suddenly i hear the sound from out of the house

i went out side and search about it,

in garden .....

All  of the family members  there, he is notice me

A; oh u finally wake up huh?

M; mm yeah, what u guys doing here?

A; we play the  seatukatu game

Bro; hey come join to us

M; oh k bro

H; hey jas i want one partner so plz join my team

I remember  that last night ani said so i say done to him

A;  ok let start new game 

we start to new game and its very interest 

THE FINAL game we  fix  BET 

ani and my bro one team me and hari one team 


H;  hey jas be careful 

M; hmm 

A; hey jas , i up my head and see him he give flying kiss

M; u , cheater 

A; no ma u look so sweet 

i start to blush , and lightly get down my hand he see my cards and get what they want

finally his team won , 

A; hey thank u 

M; y?

H; hum for help 

M; how i do it to him?

A; when i say ur so sweet 

M; chi 

H; we lost it, so the tour trip is our dube (money)

M; okay fyn i accept it

A&B; hey jolly

M; hahah, my money coming from my husband hand

A; what????/

we all start laugh , ani give terrible  look to us

To Be CoNtInUe.....

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