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When i talk to ram at time some one pull my hand...i turn that guy  put the gun into my forehead....he said don't move if u move i gonna kill u...

Ram; hey who r u?  leave her??

Me; hey,  leave me,  who r u?

That guy; shut up.. there is so many police car surround us...they also have the gun

P; hey leave her?

G;hmm  no,move away from my way, if u cross my way i will kill her. don't try to come close to me.

i was very shock and think my self how i escape from this guy god please help me...police try to catch him..ram suddenly knock his hand he lost the gun ....he pull me in front side  and start to run i lost my balance and fall down in the near head broke  blood is spoil my new saree..i  lost the conscious ..

When i open my eyes i see ram set beside me...he really happy and he call the doctor,
doctor come and check up my condition....then he say you r now you feel now?i said yeah better but  light ah pain ..okay i give the medicine to u for the pain ..hmm k doctor.after the 15 minutes we get out from the hospital...

Ram; wait ,i  call the taxi..

Me; hmm k.. Thanks ram.

R;its my duty no need it.

Me; mm..hey what about that guy?

R; police catch him.

Me;who is he??

R; he is thief..when police try to catch him he pick up u.

Me; oh,,, anyway Time enna? how many hours i'm in unconscious?

R; 3 hour...time 3.30 am.

Me;omg  today 6 am  my flight..

R; how did u catch it? you do not ready for it?

Me; no way i will catch it.. plz come quickly.

we get the taxi and reach our hotel, before i went to party i pack my all thinks so its help to me,  i refresh my self and change the dress its western dress, its kurti...i take my bags and come out from the room.

R; r u sure u go in this flight?

Me; yeah..anyway all the best for your next projects.. bye ram.

R; oh thanks, Take care.. bye.

Ram do not come with me because he have the 4 balance project so i travel in alone...

I take taxi and went to the airport...

Ram p.o.v.

god please help her, suddenly i remember that ani say 'if she had any problem plz inform to me'..i take my phone and call to him..i say all of the thinks what happen to here.

A; Thanks bro, i will pick up her.

R; k bro , bye. i end the i'm feel relax...

Anirudh p.o.v..

What the hell is she thinking to herself? y she come the next flight?she do not care herself...what the girl is she??

To be continued....!

Hope u guys like it....

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