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After the one year...

Anirudh p.o.v..

since this one year there is no  information about her... in this year i truly miss her a lot ...i reach my dream yeah  i  get the first place in  cine industry  and i have so many works in this i want some rest ... i plan to go outing.

In my studio...

A; hey guys give any idea da

His friends; hmm if u want go any   other country.

A;  u idiots we all r  go,,  so  tell where we go?

Arvind; Malaysia is my choice da.

Others; okay we agree da..what did u say?

A; okay get ready we go malaysia in three days .

Friend; yeah whooo okay da.

Then they leave  from my studio...

I start to think about jasmine...if she here  she is very happy  to see my position in cine industry...where r u jas??? i  arrange one team  for search u but  its not work  with in this year.. ur parent also worried about u....i promise to them  will find u..i am waiting for that day of our meeting...

At the same time in Malaysia...

Jasmine p.o.v..

I get the fine job its better then the  chennai job...i get  only few friends.. but i speak with every one few of them are close to me...

My manager is same as my age.. he also single... he is smart person ... limited speaker...but he like me..

When i go to his cabinet he speak too much and unwanted thinks... so i  keep the distance between to us... mostly i try avoid him...cause i don't want to get pain again...

Since this one year i change myself  more... my co workers don't know about me...i hide my past from them....

sometime they speak about anirudh at the time i went outside because I HATE HIM SO MUCH....

After the three days...

In india..

We finally get ready to go malaysia...i took my phone and call my friends..

Conference  call...

A; hello guys.

Ar; hii di.

Others; hello da. say one by one.

A; where r u guys??? its very late ..i  reach airport.

Friends; we on the way da.

A; oh k waiting guys ..

 i end the call..  few seconds left they come here.. we start to move and finish all the formalities and reach the malaysia flight...we get the continuous  seats..

Ar; what happen da? y u r so happy?

A; i don't know da..but i feel so happy.

Ar; is any news about jas?

A; no da.

Ar; oh then y so happy.

A; its may be our traveling .. k i go to hear the songs don't disturb me.

Ar; kk njoy da.

To be continued...

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