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I am really happy the one week passed very fast.. i pack my things to get ready  go to brother drop me in junction.i say bye to him..the train moved i'm really happy to see him. i take my phone and  send the message  to him..i will be there tomorrow. since a one week i do not speak with him so  i need to quickly meet him.then i put my head phone and start to hear the songs...and felt down to sleep.

Morning 5.30 am..

I reach the chennai junction. i take my bag and went out the junction.get the taxi and reach my home.i watch my home its very dirty so i start  to clan it. its get too late.i plan to invite him to dinner. so i call him, the phone ring..

A; hey jas, welcome back to chennai.

Me;hii. thank u.

A; how r u?

Me;fyn, hw r u?

A; i'm fyn ya. whats the matter?anything interest news?

Me; nothing much ya, hey evening free ah?


Me;if u free come to my home for dinner.

A; dinner ah? hmm k.but y suddenly invite me?

Me; its for your birth day.and long time no see that's y i invite u.

A;oh k its fyn , i will be there in 7.00 pm k.

Me; hm k. said and cut the call.

i rushed to my self to prepared the dishes ..i hope my self i will do it very well.


i hear the bell sound then i went to open the door. i saw Ani he wear the black and white dress .he smiled at me. i invite him to come inside.

A; wow your home is very cleaned .

Me; thanks, plz set here.

he seated the sofa, i went inside and take the soup.i hand over it to him.he drink it then..

A; wow, its really tasted ..

Me; hmm thanks.

then we reach the taining  table. i serve him. and take the food for me. i tell all of the information to him.when i ended it he laugh widely..i said stop it ani.he ask me y  u avoid marriage huh?i said i do not interest it. then he said k.we finish our food and seated in the sofa.

A; its really awesome.before i do not eat like this food.

Me;Thank u so much.

A; your future husband is very luck. he said with smile.

Me; hey plz stop it.i said to him.

A; k chill ya.

i  switched on the music, its really awesome songs.we hear those song, suddenly he stand up from the sofa.i'm also stand up...

Me; hey what happen?

he come near to me very closely....

To be continue....!

I hope u guys like it.

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