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WE sit in the balcony ..i am waiting for him.

The rain start  at the time ...i  watch the rain drop....she play with it...

M; hey when is ur bro return to home?? ask in the worried tone

Ani's; hlo he is ur husband , u don't know abt him but u ask to me

M; yeah i am his wife but u r his sis so u know very well then me

while we speak like this he enter in that place....

A; what happen here?

Sis; nothing bro... hey jas cu later bye

she left from that place.... i  see his face there is no reaction ..i want to say sorry but i start it?

He turn and went inside...

M; hey ..he stop and  turn

M; i want to speak with u

He stood there and  see my face ' rise  one eyebrow ' like asking what?


A.M.V; hum if i ask sorry she won't forgive in that time..then y i forgive now

A; oh... he turn and start walk.

M.M.V; what the hell i ask sorry if he forgive or not???

M; tell the answer to me.

A; what u want??

M; u forgive me or not.

A; i don't forgive u k.

M; what????

A; yeah....i do not forgive u anymore

M; i agree my mistake then y?

A; huh ..just remember u say JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME.

M; hey please forget it

A; i  can't

M; k its fine... u keep ur way..

A; hmm .. he went to the room

M;  what he thinking...i did not say sorry to next time

when i enter to the room his hand my gift..he open it again and again in its play I LOVE YOU ANIRUDH...

He notice me and stop it open and placed on a table..

i  went to pick the one book ..he also take the same book

M; i am the one who take it first

A; no its me...and its my book i want it

M; y i give it to u

A; cause its mine and i am one who take it first

M; i pull the book in my hand

he did as same

M; i....d..i......o....t.... 

A; chi pooo diiii

we start the fight like end of the fight no one took that book..we  went to opposite side ..

My p o v

what the hell i am doing???? y u i say sorry to him..he is the one who say it to me....i won't forgive u ani....he always fight with me..chi i fight for one book huh??? idiot jas...i scold myself

Ani p o v..

chi  one book make fight between us...oh god ..i know  she do not say sorry to next time....i am idiot ..

A; i just play with her....but fight is  again start...i  forgive u jas what abt u?

To be continue.....

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