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In beach....

A; me too miss u.

M; paraah... we both start to laugh..

we went near the sea...and put our foot in wave...we play  with wave..

A; he  take some water in hand and throw it in my face

i did as the same what he doing for me..

A;  hey ..he try to catch me..

i start to ran...its  seashore  so i can't run as fast as

Finally he catch me.....we both fall down in the sand because when he catch me he bumped me..

i was still in sand and he is top of me..

As fast as he get up from me... i am also get up....because it is public place and night time so if any one see us like this it give problem ...

A; hey sry do u hurt?

M; no no

A; great... he  remove the sand which is top of me..

M; its k... ani

Then we come near to the car and he drive it..

The travel is very silent..he play the some lovely song...i see the watch its time 11.30 pm

M; hey its too late la.

A; yeah.

we reach our home..

A; u go first i will back

M; okay.

i came out from the car and went to near the door...i try to knock the door...when i touch the was open..

M. m.v; what the door is still opening.??

i went inside...its full of dark....i get little scare ..i was turn to see where is ani???? but he is not there...

i still stand in door..

suddenly i see one kind of light...its very tiny ..its appear one time disappear at next time..this happen is continue in three time...i totally get scare ..

i slowly went inside...i hear the some sound from behind...i was turn...

That sound is door closing sound...

My hands are start shivering ...and  get more sweating ...

i felt something on my shoulder...i shout loudly A......N.....I........R.........U.....D...........H.

To be continue....

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