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I prepare to myself for the onsite. i  finish all project works..the manager said to me tomorrow  after the day you get your flight ..r u ready for it? i said yes sir. he said pack what you want and if you have any problem there contact me .i said yes sir.he say all the very best jasmine.i replay to him thank u sir. then i went to home and  started to packing....i remember that' before a day come to our home' which say by ani's mom. i decided to went his home tomorrow and meet her.

Tomorrow morning  i wake up and fresh my self,  i brought some fruits and get the taxi for  went  to his home...i say the address to driver and start to  watch outside...after 20 minutes i reach his home,i went inside and press the calling bell.after the seconds his sister open the door..

A.s; hey ! jas what a pleasant surprise. come in.

Me; Thank u sis, i went inside , i give the fruits to her. she called her mom

A.m; hey jas hw r u?

Me; yeah fine aunty , how you anuty and where is uncle?

A.m; yeah fine . he went out , plz take the seat jas. i seated in sofa..i  ask to her aunty where is ani?

A.m; in his room, if u want to see him go up satirs.

Me; thank u aunty , i said and start to walk ..when i reach his room i knock the door, he say come in, i open the door  and start to shouted... and fall down there.aunty and his sister come up stairs..he sprinkled some water in my face.. his mom call me jas..jas... i slowly open my eyes..

A.m; hey r u okay?

Me; yeah aunty.

A.s; what happen? y u shouted?

Me;before i say the answer i see him he say don't say it. i said to her i do not know sis, suddenly i lost my balance.

A.s; oh k ya. be careful ya.

Me; okay sis.

then we  come to down floor, i seated in the sofa ani seated besides me. he say sorry ya,  do not see u,my sister always disturb me like that so i think its her that's y i throw the paper weight ,i said its okay. ..yeah he throw the paper weight to me its hit my forehead, i covered it  by my shall....

A.m;; take it jas, she give the coffee to me. its really help me feel better.

Me; Thanks aunty.

A.s; tomorrow you go to london right?

Me; yeah sis,. i said with smile.

A.s; have a great journey ya.

Me; Thank u sis.

then i say bye to everyone.  come out from his home he also come with me , i said to him if u free tomorrow plz come to the airport.he say sure when u get the flight i said the time to him, then i say bye and come to my room.

Anirudh p.o.v

oh , god i hit her, its give the pain to her i'm  such an idiot. ..she go tomorrow huh. i feel so bad. ask to myself  what kind of feeling is this??? when she go away from me i feel so hard, something push my heart, i do not take breath easy.... my heart feel more pain..!

To be continued....

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