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I don't know  where i am going??? finally i decided to went my friend home... she also work with me..she live alone  so i hope she help me...i  reach her  home and press the calling bell ...she come and open the door..she get very shock.. she said come in side ya.

She; hey what r u doing here?  is today ur marriage ?

Me; no in my life there is no marriage.

She; what do u mean?  u get fight with ani?

Me;  don't say his name again in front of me.

She; please say what happen explain di.

Me; i say all  story to her.

She; its really bad di... they  must give one chance to u but they did not do it.

Me; leave it ya...i want ur help.

She; sure anything for u..ask it?

Me; may i stay here for one week.

She; y not, u stay here how long u need.

Me; thanks di.

She; go and fresh up urself ya..i  ready food for u.

Me; no i don't need food ya.

She; first fresh up urself then think about it .

Me; okay.

She give  some new dress for me.. i fresh up myself.. and went to the hall..she waiting for me..

She; hey come on  had ur food

Me; i won't it di.

while we speaking she get the call from office...she attended the call .. after that call her face totally change....she end the call

Me; what happen di?

She; office call , they  force me to go the malaysia branch ma..but i don't interest  it.

Me; oh.. hey if u don't mine u give this opportunity for me.

She; u mean u join there.

Me; yeah..if i am stay here i remember all of i want some changes ya.

She; fine..i  speak about it to our manager  ya.

Me; thanks di.

Then she force me to get my food...i finish it and went to the room..

After the few days..

She arrange  all thinks for me to go the malaysia

i get ready to go malaysia ..i purchase what i need ...she  drop me in the airport ..i hug her and say to her..

Me; promise me  u don't share about me with any one.

She; promise .i don't tell about anyone okay.

Me; thanks..di. i say bye

She; bye di..after u land there call me.

Me; okay di.

In flight...

I do not imagine it.. malaysia is my fav country but while i am in pain i go to there...  when i dream in about my marriage  i  think my honey moon is in malaysia...but today my all dreams are fall down it was broken like glass...

Thank u  appa ,amma , bro ,and my dear my x lover ANIRUDH...i forget all of u one day...god help me.

I landed in the malaysia get taxi and reah my office branch there... i give my  appointment order to the manager ..he accept my  order.. he introduce to whole staff to me...he said u join tomorrow..i say thank u sir.. and went out from there... i arrange new house life is finally change ...but my mind do not change from that problem...

I try to change me...

To be continued...!

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