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After the one week..

In this one week we do not meet each other because we are very busy in our works..yup i am busy in my new project and he also busy to make his new album..... but we decided to this sunday we definitely  meet each others whatever happen...

sunday 9.00am

I hear the calling bell sound i went downstairs and open the door...exactly its Anirudh...he smiled at me

A; hiii jas..hw r u?

Me; yup fyn..wt abt u? come in side

A; fyn ya.. he come inside and sit down in the sofa..i sit besides him

Me; hmm what u want tea / coffee ?

A; coffee..

Me; okay just 2 seconds..

A; yeah. i walk towards kitchen and make the coffee for us. ani come to the kitchen and ask to me...

A; hey if u don't mine do one help for me?

Me; what?

A; can u teach me  how to  make the tasty food?

Me; hahah ...u want to know it?

A;yup !!

Me; y? your future wife don't knew it?

A; may be she do not know it...its all for my u know one thing?

Me; hahah..what?

A; my mom search the girl  for me.

Me; okay..i will teach u.. but what benefit to me?

A; what u want ask it?

Me; hmm can u teach me car driving? because if my husband  have the car its useful to me.

A;  hahah...yup sure.

Me; take this..i give a cup to him..then we reach the hall and sit in the sofa...while we speaking my phone is ringing ..i take my phone and see the home screen ..its from my father..

Me; hii dad..hw r u?

F; hello paapa ..hw r u?  (my father call me paapa)

Me; fine pa. wt abt mom and bro?

F;yeah we r fine.

Me; what's up dad?

F; i want to tell you something?

Me;hmm tell me.

F;tomorrow you free?

Me; may be pa..y?

F; tomorrow evening 5.00pm u go to the hotel pride ..u meet someone there.

Me; who will there?pa

F; your life partner ..he said with smile.

Me; what??? i was so shock... r u kidding?

F; no i'm serious..u definitely meet him tomorrow..i will send  his phone number  to u.

Me; dad plz wait ..i want to tell something to u

F; what u want to say it tomorrow..i hope you like  do what i say ..bye. he cut the call.

I don't know what should i do now??? its make me crying ....i start to crying...

A; hey what happen? y r u crying?

Me; its all over ani..its all over.

A; hey what happen di?  tell it.

Me; my father select the mapla.

A;hahah..its not a big problem..

Me; he say tomorrow evening go to the hotel and meet him.

A; po meet panu if u like him say okay..

Me; i get the angry i do not control  myself so i slapped  him... and stand from there ..i throw my coffee cup in the wall... i  throw all things ...i broke the glass and take the one piece of  glass try to cut my the time one hand stop me and suddenly  someone slapped me..i know its anirudh he watch me what i do.while

A; r u mad??/ y u do this all?

Me; yeah i mad for you....  i do not live without you...i won't marry anyothers . i shouted loudly..he come to closely and hug me tightly..i already told u whatever happen  i won't leave you r mine there is no change in its okay....he kiss me on my forehead...and try  kiss my lips but i stop him..  close his mouth with my palm..

Me; you don't know anything about it?

A; what  tell me?

Me;  its  my promise...!!!

To be continued.....!!!!

Hope u guys like it!!!! sry guys i  do not have a good idea about this chapter that's y make like this...if its hurt u i am really sry !!!!

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