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Me; My promise...!

A; what kind of promise???

Me;its my.....when i start it  he comes close to me and  close my mouth with his palm..and said

A;i think its give more pain to u..right?

Me; i saw his face...he continue

A;if it give the pain y u think about it..i don't need  to know it..whenever u want tell that now leave this topic okay....he remove the hand and smiled at me

Me;hmm k.. i want to ask u something?

A;what ask it dr?

Me; do u believe me?

A; y u have the doubt it? in my life there is no doubt abt u...u r my life then how i don't​ do  it?

Me; thanks ani..

A; u know one thing love is based on their believe ...! i know u don't broke my hope

Me;yeah..i won't do it said with smile..

Then i start to clean my home...he also help to me for cleaning....its time getting late..then i prepare the lunch to us while starting to  eating..

A; hey smells are superb..i enjoy today lunch..

Me; huh..but u do not start to eating?

A;its just begin. ...he really enjoy his food..i am happy to see him like this..

After the eating both of we seated in the sofa...

A; hey do u like long drive???

Me; yeah..i like travel

A;oh k come on we go the long drive...

Me; y not let's go...i stand from the sofa but he ..

A; hmm if u want come with me u change ur costume ....

Me; what???

A; wait.. he went out and come again in his hand have the box... he give it to me and say open it..

Me; i saw that dress...its very short....i saw his face

A; go and wear it..i will waiting  for you...

Me; what is this?? no way i do not like this kind of dress..

A; this is the first n last time plz do it for me...plzzzzz

Me; huh y u want it?? see its short how i wear it alone ..i need some ones help..

A; hmm fine may i help u??? said with smile...

Me; oh i knew ur plan??? u cheater ...we both r smiled...

A; okay ya..go fast...its also late..

Me;r u serious? u want i wear it???

A; hmm yeah.

Me; okay fine..

Then i went to my room and refresh myself..i wear it ..i don't believe my eyes its just perfect to me...but my hand don't help zeep up...i will try so many times but no use....i call him up.. he come to my room ..

A; what's happen ya?

Me; i said what i want..he smiled at me and come close to me..i turn back over but he turns me towards him..he look my eyes and say its really suitable to u...then he turn  me back and do what i say to him..

After a few seconds i am ready to go out.. i went to downstairs...he stand up from sofa...we start to walk...i  really feel shy... so i open the car back door but he stop me and say come to the front seat.then i seat in the  besides to him..he start the car....he switched on the FM...the first song is NEEYUM NAANUM...its  so romantic song....!

To be continued....!

Sorry guys ! i know it is worst  and bore update....i  will do my best in next update...plz forgive me

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