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My p.o.v..

He get the  call so he out from there  i get the medicine paper and went out from the room..i stand behind him,  at the time he say that yes i love her... i don't know  how i react to him??? i write something in paper...i hand over it to small kid and say to her give it to that uncle... she smiled at me i kiss  on her check..and leave from that place.... i had the fever and head pain too so i  decided to go home...!

i take the taxi and go to my home...

Anirudh p.o.v

y she want leave from me?? i want know  the  answer... may be she  goes her home so i meet her there....i  move fast  and start the car...

In home...

he love me??? if he propose to me what should i say to him?? omg so confused... i hear the calling bell sound... i went and open the door.. i was shock its ani ... i don't say anything.. i move and go inside....he follow me.. i seated on the sofa he seat ..he see me..and

A; y r u leave from there without inform me?

Me;hmm ...before  u say answer to me.

A; k, what ask me?

M; do u love anyone? i hide it from him that's i know he loves me!

A; hmm yeah..

M; who??

A; hmm  u want to meet her?

M; yeah.

A; oh k come with me.


A; i stand  up and  move  close to  her ..i pick her hand

M; what r u doing?

A;  I love you...!

M; me huh?

A; of course you.. i love you so much then me

M; i  remove my hand from his hand..

A; what should u say?? u accept me or not?

To be continued...!

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