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While i enter my father said Get out from the home...i was shock...

Me; dad  y  did u say this?

M'd; you broke our faith..then u stay here..just leave

Me; please dad give a chance to explain what happen there?

M'b;  wait some one want to meet u

Me; i know its ani..where is him?

A; i am here

i am turn and see him..

Me; Thank god ani ur here..i want to  say something ya.

While i am starting  he  stop me..

A; i do not want to  hear anything.

Me; but ani..

A; uncle say get out from here..

This is give very shock to me..

Me; ani its u ..u speak like this?

A; ur a cheater ..if u  do not love me  u say it directly...y u do like this? do u know  how we face the relatives? they are smile at us...we really feel how terrible at the time...u  escape from these marriage

Me; ani i love u..u know very well that..then y  i escape from the marriage..please  give one cahance to me.

A; we don't want ur explanation...we just want u get out from here...just get out from our life.

I  was shocking my  bodies stood in that structure ...they went inside the home... i feel so weak..suddenly ani come return to outside..

A;  u cheat me..u say u love me huh?? but this is the true..he throw the letter..i took that letter and read it..

Me; its not true..i do not write it. but he do not listen me..he went inside...

 I feel so lonely.... i start to did they feel like these? he said i am a cheater...i start to walk..

My p.o.v...

God y u give the more pain to me??? they do not give any chance to me? is they are my family? they do not believe me even my parents and ani... tears come overflow in my cheeks..

 I believe u ani.. but u broke my heart..u say i am not love u?? and u say i am a cheater u tell this?

i think those words 'WHATEVER WHENEVER HAPPEN I DON'T LEAVE UR SIDE' this is ur love words..Love is always not true huh...they say only lie...

Today i promise to  u guys in my life there is no place for u day u know true at the time u all search about me...but u not find me its my challenge ..

To be continue...!

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