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Its october month  its 15 ,i really excite to celebrate his birth day...!

its a fine morning time phone was ringing . i saw the home screen its from my father.i take the phone and speak with father told me , u come to the THANJAVUR tomorrow. i ask y? but he do not say anything  but give order to me 'come to home,.

i get angry .. but what should i do, i end the call.

i go to my office, time pass very fast, its 3.00pm i went to meet my manager and speak with him, i ask to one week leave .i give the letter to him.then reach my place take my bag and take taxi to reach the mall. i went to the shop and i pay the balance amount for guitar.i write the letter and put it inside the guitar.i said plz pack it.he say yes mam.

S.k; mam , if u give the address  we make the home delivery it.

Me; oh, k. then i give the address to him.i said plz do it tomorrow.

S.k; sure mam.

Me; its my number after u did it plz inform me.

S.k; okay mam.

then i went out from the mall. i take the taxi and reach my home.i pack my things.i take the phone and call to him.

Me; hello ani.

Ani; hii jas.

Me;hey sorry, i do not come to your birth day party.

Ani;hey y? what r u saying?

Me; yeah my father order to me come to home.

Ani; now where r u?

Me; in my home. y?

Ani; wait, i will be  there  in 5mins. and cut the call.

after 5mins i hear  calling bell sound,i went and open the door its ani. i say hii to him, he said hii.then i invite to him inside.

Ani; hmm y u go?

Me; i don't know.

Ani; when u come back?

Me; may be after one week ya.

Ani; oh k. r u ready?

Me; yeah.

Ani; come i will drop u in junction.

Me; hm k ya.

then we went out from my home,and lock it. he take my bag.i try to take it but he don't allow me.we seated besides, he drive the car and we reach the junction, i take bag and say bye to him.he said same..

Anirudh p.o.v

i'm happy to celebrate my birth day. but when i hear she do not come to my birth day party i feel bad, i do not know y feel  like this.i drop her and say bye to her.then i start my car and go to my studio. to compose the song.KANAVE KANAVAE .



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